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The answer is a meter!!!!!!!!!!!

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A kilometre.

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11y ago

The meter.

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Q: What metric unit would be best for measuring the length of a bike trail?
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If you were measuring the length of a road to savnnah to statesboro what metric mesurement would you use?

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What metric measurement would be used to measure a truck?

it depends. If you were mesuring length then you would use meters. If you were measuring volume you would use cubic meters. If you were measuring weight you would use metric tons.

What instrument measures meters?

A meter stick would be one. A metric tape measure would be another.A measuring tape.a rulerA meter stickyou can use a metric tape or a yardstick or a metre trundle wheel and finally a metre stickA tape measure, calibrated in meters.A meterstickusually a metric measuring tape.

What metric unit would you use to measure the length of a hiking trail?

You would use meters. Or, if the trail is more than 1000 meters, you can use killometers

What would be used if you were measuring the length of something in meters of inches?

There is no such measurement. There is either metric measurement or not. Do you mean "fractions" of inches?

Unit of metric measure would best measure a mountain trail?

Its height (above mean sea level): metres Its length: kilometres - or metres if it is a really short trail.

What is an appropriate metric unit for measuring for a airplane?

That depends what aspect of the aeroplane you're measuring. An aeroplane's length would be measured in metres, as would its height. The mass of the aeroplane would be in kilograms. Its speed would be in metres per second or more traditionally kilometres per hour.

What measurement unit would a builder most likely use when measuring the length of a house?

In Australia, a metric country, builders use metres and millimetres never centimetres.

What measuring instrument measures length?

The anemometer is used to measure the wind. The word anemometer comes from the Greek word "anemos" which means wind.

Why is the metric system not the standard measuring system in America?

It would be apple

What Metric instrument or tool is used to measure length of a room?

Well, I would use a tape measure! If you needed something a little more accurate, you could use laser measuring devices.

What metric unit would you use for a length of an airplane?

The length of an aeroplane would be measured in metres.