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Q: Nora has 54 oranges. she wants to put them in a bags. there are 9 bags how many bags does she needs if she wants to put an equal numberof oranges bags?
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Alfredo is baging 30 apples and 45 oranges. He wants to put equal numbers of one type of fruit into each bag. What is the greatest number of apples or oranges he could put into each bag?

15 apples and 22.5 oranges

Can you feed a hamster oranges?

yes but only if he wants it

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What is marketing shapes consumer needs and wants?

reflecting customers needs and wants

How does production help in satisfying needs and wants?

It provides products to satisfy your needs and wants.

When wants are supported by purchasing power do they become needs?

No, it is not true that when wants are supported by purchasing power it becomes needs. Needs are items that have to be purchased, wants are items that are desired.

Are wants and needs the same According to Maslov?

Wants and needs are not the same. According to Mazlow, needs are basic things for human survival and are lower on the heirarchy than wants which can only be satisfied after needs are satisfied.

What is the importance of capital in satisfying human needs and wants?

when you invest your capital, you create the products which will satisfy human needs and wants you can also be creating needs and wants.. but that's an other story

How do needs and wants affect natural resources?

to get needs and wants you need to use the natural resources to make them

What were europeans wants and needs?

Europeans Wants and needs •want wealth •need shelter

What should come first needs or wants?


How does income limit wants?

Income usually is firstly concerned with needs, if income covers needs and leaves a surplus that can be used for wants. If income only covers needs wants become dreams.