It is 0.88
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
No a decimal is smaller than a whole number.
You may or you may not. If you divided by a decimal number that is greater than 1 then you will get a smaller number whereas if you divide by a number less than 1 then you will get a larger number.
Yes, when any number is multiplied by a decimal, as long as the decimal is less than 1, the product is smaller that that number (assuming we are just dealing with positive numbers) An example is 5 times .4, which equals 2. 2 is less than 5. Another example, this time where both numbers are decimals, is .3 times .1 which equals .03. .03 is smaller that both .3 and .1. The reason it gets smaller is because by multiplying by a decimal, you are trying to get a fraction of the number, which will always be less than that number. For example, 3 times .5 = 1.5. Here, the result is a fraction (1/2) of three.
It is 0.88
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
For the same reason that you can multiply two proper fractions and get a smaller number than either of them. You are multiplying either decimal by a number that is smaller than 1. As a result you get an answer that is smaller than 1 times the first number.
Any decimal smaller than 0.2 . There are an infinite number of them.
No a decimal is smaller than a whole number.
You may or you may not. If you divided by a decimal number that is greater than 1 then you will get a smaller number whereas if you divide by a number less than 1 then you will get a larger number.
0.06 is 100 times smaller than 6.
Yes. the number in the 3rd decimal place is smaller so the number is smaller
if the decimal number is smaller than the decimal is larger.
5 ten thousandths in decimal form is 0.0005 Any decimal number that has three zeros after the decimal point and then a lower number than 5 is smaller. If the number has more than three zeros after the decimal point it is smaller.
In comparing decimal numbers, the number with more decimal places is typically smaller. In this case, 0.24 has two decimal places, while 0.6 has one decimal place. Therefore, 0.24 is smaller than 0.6.
A decimal number is not always smaller than a whole number. This is a decimal number 2.45 The number on the left of the decimal point shows the whole numbers. The numbers on the right of the point shows the parts/fractions. This number is not a whole number .098 This number is a whole number 2.00 This number has whole numbers and parts/fractions of the whole 2.098