One equivalent way is 0.25299 ... (repeating). There is no second way.
Other ways to write 0.934:As a decimal: 0.9340As a fraction: 467/400 in its simplest formAs a percentage: 93.4%
Oh, dude, like, to write 0.67 as a decimal, you can just, you know, write it as 0.67 or 0.670 if you wanna get fancy with that zero at the end. So, yeah, those are like, the two ways to do it. Cool, right?
I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)
The number nine hundred and fourty six can be writen thus: 946 = decimal 1110110010 = binary 1662 = octal 3B2 = hex
2/10 or 20%
66/10 or 66%
As a decimal: 0.32 As a percent: 32%
40% or 4/10 or 2/5
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
0.5 0.50 1/2 one half 50%
As a fraction: 66/100 As a percentage: 66%
Other ways to write 0.934:As a decimal: 0.9340As a fraction: 467/400 in its simplest formAs a percentage: 93.4%
0.2, 0.20
u can write it as a mixed number or a whole number
An infinite number.