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When reactants and products are gases at STP

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Q: When can all the coefficient in a balanced equation represent volume ratios?
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What do the coefficients in a balanced chemical equation represent?

Represents the mole ratios between any two substance

How do you determine the stoichiometry of a reaction?

To determine the stoichiometry of a reaction, you must first write out a balanced equation describing the reaction and then use the coefficients of this statement to represent molar ratios.

How do mole ratios compare to volume ratios for gaseous reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation?

At constant temperature and pressure the ratios are equal.

The coefficients from a balanced equation are used to write conversion factors called?

mole ratios

Is it true that the subscripts in a balanced chemical equation specify the volume ratios for gaseous reactants and products?


What information are conveyed by a balanced chemical reaction why is it necessary to balanced a chemical equation?

A balanced chemical equation conveys the correct molar ratios of reactants and products in a reaction. Balancing a chemical equation upholds the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

How is the law of conservation of mass shown by a balanced equation?

In stoichiometry, the equation is balanced by using molar ratios. Because each item on either side of the equation has a specific molar mass, it can be demonstrated that all mass is conserved through the chemical reaction.

. How is the law of conservation of mass shown by a balanced chemical equation?

In stoichiometry, the equation is balanced by using molar ratios. Because each item on either side of the equation has a specific molar mass, it can be demonstrated that all mass is conserved through the chemical reaction.

What doese a coefficient tell you?

In chemistry, a coefficient in front of a chemical formula tells you how many moles you have. When balancing a chemical equation, the law of conservation of matter must be upheld. To do this, you add coefficients as needed, and these coefficients represent mole ratios of either reactants or products.

Determine Mole ratios in a balanced chemical equation?

put the coefficient of one substance over the coefficient of the other for example, in the reaction 3H2S + 2Al(OH)3 --> 6H2O + Al2S3 the mole ratio of H2S:H2O is 3:6 or 1/2.

What gets written into a chemical reaction when it is balanced?

In a complete and correctly balanced chemical equation you will have the coefficients for each reactant and product indicating the mole ratios as well as the phases of each reactant and product.

Why must a chemical equation be balanced to solve stoichiometry problems?

Because chemical reactions take place in molar ratios. The number of moles of each kind of atom has to be the same on both sides of the equation.