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Division by a number is the inverse operation to multiplication by the number (and vice versa).

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How is multiplication is related by division?

Multiplication is the inverse operation to division.

How can an array help you solve a related multiplication and division problem?

? problem division and multiplication related a solve you help array an can how

What is a set of related addition-subtraction or multiplication-division sentences?

A set of related addition-subtraction or multiplication-division sentences is a fact family.

How multiplication and division related?

Multiplication and division are related because they are the inverse of each other. 9 x 4 = 36 36/4 = 9

How can knowing that multiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction help you understand that multiplication and division are related?

the whole reason is this: multiplication is adding to that number in groups and division is subtracting from a number in groups.

How is multiplication and division are related?

They just undo each other.

What is a set of related multiplication and division equations using the same number?

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What is a group of related multiplication and division facts that use the same numbers?


How do you Relate Division to Multiplication?

Division is the inverse operation to multiplication. Division by a number (other than zero) is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.

Is multiplication before division in order of operations?

"Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction." Therefore multiplication and division are equal.

Why is multipication and division related?

Multiplication and division are related because they are inverse operations of each other. When you multiply a number by another number, you are essentially adding the first number repeatedly, while division is the process of splitting a number into equal parts. By using multiplication and division, you can solve various mathematical problems and find the relationship between quantities.

What is the opposite of division?
