decimals from 7.0 to 8.4 with interval of .2 between each pair of decimals
There are infinitely many decimals between any two numbers. So between these, there are 1.111112 1.111113 1.1111131 1.1111132 and so on till 1.111114 and so on and on. and of course, between each pair of the above numbers there are infinitely many numbers.
Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
decimals from 7.0 to 8.4 with interval of .2 between each pair of decimals
Starting with 1.376, the sequence of decimals such that there is an interval of 2.0 between each pair of decimals, would give the answer 3.376
The decimals between 3.0 and 3.8 with 0.2 between them are 3.2, 3.4, and 3.6.
An interval that remains the same throughout a sequence
There are infinitely many decimals between any two numbers. So between these, there are 1.111112 1.111113 1.1111131 1.1111132 and so on till 1.111114 and so on and on. and of course, between each pair of the above numbers there are infinitely many numbers.
Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.Three numbers in a line, with a space between each pair.
2.9 and 0.1 are one possible pair.
How many ferns (that is a plural!) between the trees?If there are equal numbers of ferns in between each pair of trees: Five times as many ferns as between one pair.
2 and -6
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
There are infinitely many real numbers between -6 and 6. And between each pair of those, there are infinitely many real numbers, and between each pair of those ...Therefore, it is impossible to list them all.