

What is the opposite of -35?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the opposite of -35?
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Define the concept of opposites in math?

The concept of an opposite is simple. The opposite of a number is a negative. For example, the opposite of 35 is -35.

What is the length of the opposite side of a right triangle that has an angle of 35 degrees and a hypotenuse of 20?

The side opposite the 35° angle is [ 20 sin(35) ] = 11.472 (rounded)

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The opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent. So the angle opposite to the given angle is also 35 degrees. The consecutive angles of a rhombus are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees). So the supplement angle of the given angle is 145 degrees (180 - 35), and the angle opposite to that angle also will be 145 degrees.

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Using trigonometry it is 44.76*sin(35 degrees) = 25.673 feet to 3 decimal places

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Data that can be expressed by numbers, for example 35% or 0.23 or a quarter. The opposite is qualitive data and this would be opinions.

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If you breed it with a Ditto or another Weavile, (of the opposite gender) it should start to learn moves.

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A single positive charge, (elementary charge, e, value, 1.602176565(35)×10−19 coulombs).the electron has an equal and opposite charge.

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The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.

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Using the expression for tangent: tan(angle)=opposite/adjacent, and x to denote the height of the tree, we have tan(35)=x/24 So x=24*tan(35) = 24*0.4738 = 11.37 So the tree is 11.37 feet tall

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