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Q: What scale of measurement is educational level?
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What is the level of measurement for pain level scale of 0 to 10?

It is an ordinal scale.

What level of measurement is likert scale?

It depends on the specific likert scale, but generally it is the ordinal level

What level of measurement is decimal numbers?

They are ratio scale.

What is the highest level of measurement in statistics?

Ratio scale

What is the level of measurement for happiness level scale of 0 to 10?


Is temperature a ratio level of measurement?

Only on the Kelvin scale.

What is norminal scale?

This is the lowest level of measurement. It is basically used for identification.

Which level of measurement is very similar to thurstone-like scale?


What is the lowest level of measurement required to determine the mode?

The nominal scale.

What is the level of measurement for year of birth?

It is an interval scale. It is not a ratio scale, the next higher level, because the zero is arbitrary and not unique from one calendar to another.

What is the level of measurement for Pain level left scale of 0 to 10 right?

It is measurement on an ordinal scale. Level 1 is less than level 2 which is less than level 3 and so on. But the difference between levels 1 and 2 is not related to the difference between levels 2 and 3, etc.

What is the educational measurement and evaluation?

Educational measurement involves the process of assessing and quantifying learning outcomes, while evaluation focuses on making judgments about the effectiveness of educational programs or interventions. Together, they help educators and institutions understand student progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-informed decisions.