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A cubit and a footstep are a type of archaic unit of length that was mostly used during the Middle Ages. It is not used as a standard unit of length today because they were not proven to be consistant lengths.

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10y ago
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9y ago

We could, but first we'd need to determine how long a cubit is, then we'd have to invent sub-cubits for smaller measurements, and super-cubits for longer distances etc.

A lot of work for very little practical benefit.

We can use Cubit as a standard unit. A Cubit is 45 cm. The Ancients used the cubit for thousands of years, much longer than the use of metrics. Sub units of cubit is hands and super units of cubits are fathom 180 cm and miles 4 thousand cubits.

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7y ago

A fathom (six feet) is still used as a measurement of water depth, especially below the keel of a ship. A cubit is an ancient measure of length that is not used today - approximately the length of a forearm.

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12y ago

The length of the cubit is an old scale that is equivalent to 18 to 22 inches and it is proved that the system be used.

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Q: Why cubit is not considered as standard unit?
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The cubit which is about 0.5 metre in modern terms

How do you convert BTU per standard cubit feet to Kilo joule per Kg?

None, since there can be no conversion. A cubit = 1.5 feet so a cubit foot (= 1.5 square feet) is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. Energy is measured in terms of BTU per unit of volume or mass, not of area. So "BTU per standard cubit fet" is a nonsense unit.

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Cubit is the Primitive unit of length equivalent to a span of the forearm.

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"cubit feet" is nonsense; there's no such measurement. "cubic feet" is a valid unit of measurement, but it's a volume measurement and cannot be converted into pounds, a weight measurement.

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The standard SI unit for distance is the meter. If you add a standard prefix, like kilo, milli, etc., it can still be considered an SI unit.The standard SI unit for distance is the meter. If you add a standard prefix, like kilo, milli, etc., it can still be considered an SI unit.The standard SI unit for distance is the meter. If you add a standard prefix, like kilo, milli, etc., it can still be considered an SI unit.The standard SI unit for distance is the meter. If you add a standard prefix, like kilo, milli, etc., it can still be considered an SI unit.

Linear unit based on the length of a forearm?

The unit based on the length of a forearm was the cubit

How big is a cubit in meters?

There are generally found to be 45.72 centimeters in a cubit. A cubit is an old-fashioned measure based on the length from middle finger to elbow, so there are going to be some variations with the absolute figure.

Name an ancient civilization that did not use the cubit as a unit measurement?


How many cubits are in a feet?

A standard 'cubit' is the distance from a man's elbow to the tip of the middle finger. (Deuteronomy 3:11) It's generally considered to be about 17.5 inches.

What is a cubital?

a cubit is a unit of mesurment from the length of the tip of the middle finger to the elbow.

Is cubit standard?

Few ancient measurements were 'standard'. Generally two people doing business agreed on the standard between them. A cubit was a body-based measurement - supposedly the length of a forearm. To the best of my knowledge, only the 'carob' was a standard measurment - as the seeds of the carob are, apparently, always the same weight.

How did we measure a building when there was no rulers?

The earliest known length measurement unit is the cubit: the length from the point of a bent elbow to the tip of the longest finger. Because this length varies from person to person the King's arm was used as the standard cubit and "cubit rods" were cut to that length and used by everyone else to measure lengths and distances. Other units were determined similarly: the standard foot being the length of the king's foot, the inch is the length of 3 barley corns placed end to end, etc.