


Age of Consent & Underage Relationships

Questions here pertain to age of consent laws, which is the legal age at which an individual can legally engage is sexual contact, in the US and other countries.

500 Questions

Can a 18 year old man get dreads?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, an 18-year-old man can get dreads if he chooses to. Dreadlocks can be styled by anyone regardless of age, as long as they have the hair length and texture suitable for the style.

Can a 57 year old man get a 50 year old woman pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general, it is possible for a 57-year-old man to impregnate a 50-year-old woman, as long as both individuals are healthy and fertile. However, fertility can decline with age for both men and women, so it may be more challenging compared to younger ages. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance.

Can a 40 year old date a 18 year old in tx?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Texas, the age of consent is 17, so it is legal for a 40-year-old to date an 18-year-old. However, there are still societal norms and ethical considerations to take into account when considering a relationship with such a significant age difference. It's important to consider factors such as maturity, power dynamics, and societal perceptions.

How can a good looking 70 year old woman attract a man?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good looking 70-year-old woman can attract a man by being confident, engaging, and open to new experiences. She can focus on maintaining a positive attitude, staying active, and pursuing her interests to showcase her vitality and passion for life. Additionally, being authentic and genuine in her interactions will help her attract someone who appreciates her for who she is.

Is 20 yr old pussy better than 40 yr old pussy?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm here to provide respectful and helpful information. It's important to remember that age does not determine someone's worth or desirability. It's essential to prioritize mutual respect, consent, and communication in any relationship or encounter. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Can a 67 year old man get a hard on?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for a 67-year-old man to still get an erection. However, as men age, it may take longer to achieve and maintain an erection due to factors such as decreased blood flow or hormone levels. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help address any concerns and explore treatment options if needed.

Can a 65 year old man get a hard on?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for a 65-year-old man to have erections. Erections can be impacted by factors such as overall health, lifestyle, and medical conditions, but many older men are still able to achieve and maintain erections through various treatments or interventions if needed.

Who was a 168 year old man?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mbah Gotho, from Indonesia, claimed to have been born in 1870, making him 146 years old at the time of his death in 2017. Though his birth date has not been independently verified, if true, he would have been the oldest person on record.

How old is a 100 Year old Woman?

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A 100-year-old woman is 100 years old.

Can a old man get a girl pregnat?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is still possible for older men to father children, as long as they are still producing viable sperm. However, advanced paternal age has been associated with increased genetic risks for the child, such as certain disorders and developmental issues. It is advisable for older men to consult with a healthcare provider regarding their fertility and associated risks.

Can a 62 year old woman still have a period?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for a 62-year-old woman to still have periods, as menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 but can happen later. However, irregular periods or changes in menstrual cycle are common during perimenopause and menopause. If there are concerns about menstrual changes, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider.

Can a 60 year old man make 28 year old girl pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is biologically possible for a 60-year-old man to impregnate a 28-year-old woman as long as both individuals are fertile and able to conceive. Age alone does not determine fertility in men.

What could you call someone who is sixty years old?

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Asked by Wiki User

A senior citizen.

Most people don't bother with terms refering to the decade of people at this age, as it has become very common for people to reach their sixties and beyond. However, since people who reach 100 are called centenarians (from the Latin for 100) people in their sixties would be Sextenarians. The term, however, is not used.

What causes a 38 year old man to go limp during intercourse?

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Asked by Mariajperera

A 38-year-old man experiencing erectile dysfunction during intercourse could be due to various factors such as stress, anxiety, performance pressure, relationship issues, underlying health conditions like diabetes or heart disease, or medications. It is important for him to consult a healthcare provider to identify the root cause and explore treatment options.

Can a 43 year gay man sleep with a 16 year old gay man?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a 43-year-old engaging in any sexual activity with a 16-year-old is illegal and considered statutory rape due to the significant age difference. It is important to respect age of consent laws and ensure that all sexual interactions are consensual and legal.

Does old man able to pregnant a lady?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, biologically, an old man is not able to impregnate a woman due to age-related decline in fertility. Both men and women experience decreased fertility as they age, and menopause in women marks the end of their reproductive capabilities.

What is considered old age for a man?

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Old age for a man is typically considered to start around 65 years old. However, perceptions of old age can vary between individuals and cultures.

What payment for her help does the old woman demand?

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Asked by Wiki User

The old woman demands a pack of matches as payment for her help in "The Little Match Girl" story by Hans Christian Andersen.

Can a 80 year old man still have intercourse?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for an 80-year-old man to engage in sexual intercourse. However, factors such as overall health, lifestyle, and underlying medical conditions can affect sexual function. Consulting a doctor for personalized advice is recommended.

Can a 31 year male get a 46 year old female pregnant more sucessfully with out problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible for a 31-year-old male to impregnate a 46-year-old female, but there may be higher risks and challenges due to the woman's age. It is important for both partners to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss any potential risks and ways to optimize fertility and a healthy pregnancy.

Is 30 years old considered old or young?

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Asked by Wiki User

I personally am 57 years old and I do not consider the age of 30 years old to be particularly old. My 80 year old aunt does not think that my own age of 57 is particularly old. It's all relative.

What do you call a person 50 years old or between the ages of 50 and 60?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who is 50 years old is often referred to as being in their fifties. This is a general term used to describe someone in the age range of 50 to 59 years old.

Under what circumstances can oral consent be given in order for a subject to participate in research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oral consent can be given for research participation when written consent is not feasible due to logistical constraints or cultural considerations. However, it is crucial to ensure that the subjects fully understand the study and voluntarily agree to participate. Additionally, the research protocol must be approved by an institutional review board.

Is 4.0 a good number for bone mass on a healthometer scale for a 51 year old woman?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bone mass score of 4.0 on a healthometer scale may indicate low bone density for a 51-year-old woman. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to interpret the results in the context of individual health factors and determine if any follow-up actions or treatments are needed.

Can a 60-year-old man get a girl pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for a 60-year-old man to get a woman pregnant as long as he is still producing viable sperm. However, the likelihood of conception decreases with age due to lower sperm count and quality. It is advisable for older men to consult with a doctor for advice on fertility.