


The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans.

500 Questions

Why tyres of vehicles are black in colour?

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why vehicle tyres are black in color

Did Cave men ride dinosoaurs?

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No, cave men did not ride dinosaurs. Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before the first humans appeared on Earth.

What percentage of the entire world's population is white?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are aproximatly 1,376,000,000 white people in the world which represent 20,25% of the world's population.To get this number I calculated every European and caucasian people (ethnic group).For example there are 3,900,660 Irish people in the Republic of Ireland and 80,000,000 Irish people in the whole word so it's important to make the difference between the nationality and the people.The most significant white peoples are the Germans(160m) the Spaniards(152m) Italians(140m) Russians(140m) the French people(130m) the English people(90m) the Irish people(80m) the Poles(60m) and the Ukrainians(50m).I didn't count the peoples close to the europeans like the Arabs (350m), the Jews (13m),and the Turkic peoples (116m) (Turks,Kazakhs,Azerbaijanis,Uzbeks...)I didn't count either the mixed-races (very numerous in south America).

The goal of anthropology is to discover cultural?

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The goal of anthropology is to discover and understand the diversity of human cultures, past and present. It aims to study and analyze various aspects of human life, such as social structures, beliefs, practices, and material objects, in order to gain insight into the complexities and similarities of different cultural groups. This knowledge helps to broaden our understanding of human nature, promote cultural tolerance, and contribute to solving contemporary societal issues.

How do people live in hot and cold countries?

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People living in hot countries often adapt by wearing lightweight and breathable clothing, using air conditioning, and staying hydrated. In cold countries, people dress in warm layers, use heating systems, and insulate their homes to stay comfortable. Both hot and cold countries have different cultural practices and infrastructure to cope with their respective climates.

The study of semantics falls under which subfield of anthropology?

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The study of semantics falls under the subfield of linguistic anthropology, which focuses on the study of language and its role in culture and society.

What does the term indigenous mean in anthropology?

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In anthropology, the term indigenous refers to the original inhabitants of a specific geographic region or territory who have maintained a distinct culture, lifestyle, and social organization that pre-dates the arrival of colonial or external influences. These groups typically have a historical and cultural connection to the land they inhabit and often face challenges related to colonization, assimilation, and the preservation of their traditional ways of life.

What tribes practiced cultures practice cannibalism?

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F. Ratzel in the History of Mankind, published in the late 1800s said that centres of undisguised cannibalism existed in places so far apart as New Zealand the Marquesas, the Palliser Islands, and the Paumotus. The Hawaiian and Tahitian groups, the Society Islands, and, for a period, Tonga, were free from it during the time of the more frequent visits of Europeans towards the end of the last century. But throughout Polynesia there were both objects and legends in which traces survive of a time when it extended more widely.

What is eco farming?

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eco farming is a special way of agricultural cultivation in rainforests. it is adapted to the ecological conditions and is therefor an enduring method to deal with the sensitiveness of this ecosystem.

Define physical feature?

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Maybe Maybe not

What kind of people live in the desert?

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People who enjoy heat and dry conditions will live in the Mojave desert. This climate is not for everyone however.

What are some Sioux Indian artifacts?

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cant remember

cant remember is actually not a good answer. They didnt actually make much inventions in their tribe life-except for the games they played and songs. But that is really not inventions.

What is the relationship between epistemology and Urban Planning?

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What is Town Planning ? Discuss the relationship between sociology and Town Planning.

Who was Lucy's friend on 'I Love Lucy'?

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[1] Her main friend was Ethel Mertz, as played by Vivian Vance. [2] But Lucy also had a less appealing friend, Carolyn Appleby as played by Doris Singleton.

What did a blacksmith do in the 1800's?

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blacksmiths were people who would bend and flex metal to make weapons such as knives, swords, and daggers, but also would make fences gates and other tools

When cave men appeared on earth?

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I think the cave man appered on Earth When the dinosaurs were here

The study of the language symbols laws and values of a society would be part of which branch of anthropology?

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إن دراسة قوانين وقيم رموز اللغة في المجتمع تتعلق بفرع الأنثروبولوجيا المعروف باسم اللغويات الثقافية أو الأنثروبولوجيا اللغوية. هذا الفرع يهتم بدراسة اللغة ودورها في التفاعل الاجتماعي والثقافي. يركز الأنثروبولوجيون اللغويون على فهم كيفية استخدام اللغة لإنتاج المعاني والمعرفة وتشكيل الهويات وتنظيم العلاقات الاجتماعية.

تتضمن دراسة الأنثروبولوجيا اللغوية أيضًا تحليل النظم اللغوية المحددة التي يستخدمها المجتمع، بما في ذلك القوانين والقيم التي تنظم استخدام اللغة وتفسيرها. يتم فحص العلاقة بين اللغة والثقافة والسلطة والهوية والجندر والطبقة الاجتماعية والعديد من العوامل الأخرى التي تؤثر في استخدام اللغة في المجتمع.

لذلك، يمكن القول أن دراسة قوانين وقيم رموز اللغة في المجتمع تندرج تحت فرع الأنثروبولوجيا اللغوية في مجال الأنثروبولوجيا.

What are the oldest cave paintings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lascaux Cave, Paleolithic people made it around 10,000 B.C. I think...