



This category really is for the birds. Class Aves in the animal kingdom, birds are bipedal, warm-blooded, winged vertebrate animals that lay eggs. With approximately 10,000 species worldwide, there is no end to the questions and answers you will find here. Fly in and flitter around.

500 Questions

When A bird use a beak to get food but not all birds does why is that?

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its just how the bird is and some of its characteristics but this question was very poorly worded

What two physical structures do birds and cats have in common?

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They both like fish.

How fast does the mockingbird fly?

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they fly 95mph

What do birds have but bats don't?

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Bats have fur but birds do not.

Bats are mammals that give birth to live young, whereas birds give birth by way of the laying of eggs.

What is a Phoenix bird plus mermaid?

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A Phoenix bird is a mythical creature that symbolizes rebirth and immortality, while a mermaid is a legendary sea creature with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. Combining the two would create a unique mythical being with both bird-like and aquatic features, blending themes of fire and water, rebirth and mystery.

What are the free bird and cage bird by rabindranath tagore?

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In Rabindranath Tagore's story "The Free Bird and the Caged Bird," the free bird represents the spirit of freedom and independence, while the caged bird symbolizes confinement and restriction. The free bird can explore the world and experience its beauty, while the caged bird is limited by its surroundings and longs to be free. The story explores themes of liberty, captivity, and the desire for freedom.

What color is a mocking bird egg?

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Mockingbird eggs are usually a light blue or greenish color with occasional speckles or spots.

How much fps does it take to kill a squirrel?

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Wounding small to medium-sized game like squirrels can be inhumane and unethical. Hunting regulations typically specify minimum kinetic energy or bullet weight recommendations, rather than FPS. It's important to use appropriate calibers and aim for quick, humane kills.

Are Mockingbirds running extinct?

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No, mockingbirds are not running extinct. They are abundant and widespread across North and South America, with stable populations in their natural habitats. However, like many bird species, they face threats such as habitat loss and pesticide use that could impact their future numbers.

What does it mean when you see A dove with two other birds flyin?

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Doves are often seen as symbols of peace and love, so seeing a dove flying with two other birds could represent harmony, unity, and positive relationships among them. It may also signify hope and good fortune.

Who lived on 1313 mocking bird lane?

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The fictional Munster family lived at 1313 Mockingbird Lane in the TV show "The Munsters." The address became iconic as the residence of Herman, Lily, Grandpa, Eddie, and Marilyn Munster.

Can anyone rid you of this stormy petrel?

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No, I am a software program and exist solely in the digital realm.

What is the minimum fps to kill a bird?

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There is no specific minimum fps required to kill a bird as it depends on factors like the type of bird, shot placement, and the projectile being used. However, a general guideline is that for small birds, a minimum of 1000 fps may be sufficient, while larger birds may require higher velocities. It's important to always follow proper hunting and firearm safety guidelines.

What is a mythical bird of death?

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The mythical bird of death is typically associated with different cultures and belief systems. One example is the Phoenix from Greek mythology, which is said to burst into flames and be consumed by fire before being reborn from its ashes. Another example is the Thunderbird from Native American folklore, often seen as a powerful and divine bird associated with storms and the spirit world.

Why is Texas' bird the mockingbird?

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The Northern Mockingbird was designated as the official state bird of Texas in 1927 due to its presence in the state year-round, its melodious song, and its adaptability to different habitats. It symbolizes the diverse range of habitats and wildlife found in Texas.

Were mockingbird got name?

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The term "mockingbird" likely originated from the bird's tendency to mimic or "mock" the sounds of other birds. This behavior can include singing songs and calls of other birds, as well as imitating other sounds in their environment.

What is the superstition of a black crow haning aroung your house?

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In many cultures, a black crow hanging around one's house is often considered a symbol of bad luck, death, or impending misfortune. Some people believe it signifies a message from the spirit world or a warning to be cautious. However, it's essential to remember that superstitions are not based on scientific evidence.

Why does Nat work only three days a week at the farm in the birds by daphne du maurier?

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Nat works only three days a week at the farm in "The Birds" because he is on a part-time schedule due to his age and physical limitations. He mentions that he used to work full-time but now cannot keep up with the demands of the farm work as he used to.

To see red birds daily what does that mean?

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Seeing red birds daily could be a sign of good luck, love, or a message from a loved one who has passed away. In some cultures, red birds are considered messengers or symbols of passion and vitality. It could also just be a pleasant coincidence or a reminder to pay attention to the beauty of nature around you.

Is it a good omen if a wild bird lands on your head?

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Asked by DavidLanteigne

It can be seen as a positive sign or an indication of good luck in some cultures. However, it ultimately depends on personal beliefs and interpretations.

What is the poem containing the lines . and on his homeward journey he met a blooming hawk and pulling out his feathers said now you blighter walk?

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The poem you are referring to is "The Young British Soldier" by Rudyard Kipling. It is a satirical poem that describes the experiences of a British soldier in India. The lines you mention depict an encounter with a hawk, symbolizing the soldier's struggles and mistreatment during his service.

Birds of same feather flock together related theory in Tamil?

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In Tamil, the equivalent proverb for "birds of a feather flock together" is "ஊர் கண்ணே கோள் தூண்குது", which means that people with similar characteristics or interests tend to associate with each other.

Who wrote this bird poem 'round and round the wild birds fly poor little bird in the cage don't cry hide your eyes and soon you'll be with the wild birds flying free'?

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dunno. but i know a version set to music. round and round the wild bird flies. poor little bird in the cage don't cry. hide your eyes and soon you shall be with the wild bird flying free. who standing back of you can you say. if you gues my name you can fly away

What is the worlds fastest 5 K?

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The world record for the fastest 5K race is 12 minutes and 37 seconds, set by Joshua Cheptegei in 2020.