

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index is a calculation based on a person's weight and height that is a good indicator of whether they are overweight, underweight or normal.

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Bmi stands for body mass index?

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Correct, BMI stands for body mass index, which is a measure used to assess an individual's body weight in relation to their height. It is a useful tool to estimate whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

Is fourteen ounces one stone?

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I wish, I would be way past my target weight if it was.

There are 16 ounces in a pound,

14 Pounds in One Stone.

What is the caloric value of lipids?

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Lipids do indeed have a high caloric value.

How do you find your BMI?

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The easiest way is with a BMI calculator or chart. You first need to know your exact measured weight and height. You can use metric or US measurements on most charts. These are available at different sites online. Good calculators (for adults and children) are available at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. See the related question in the related questions section for more information on finding BMI charts and calculators.

What is BMI? From the CDC:

"Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems."

As an alternative, you can mathematically calculate this yourself in various ways. Here are some methods provided by contributors:

Get your height in metres.

Divide this by your weight in kilograms.

Divide your answer by your weight again.

This will give you your BMI.

take your weight, multiply by .45 then take your height in inches and multiply it by .025 then square the result. divide the product of your weight by the product of your height and youll get a number.

ex: weight: 100 lbs height: 67 inches.

100x.45= 45 and 67x.025=1.675 1.675x1.675=2.806

45 divided by 2.806= 16.037 which rounds to a BMI of 16.

The calculation for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


or you can just use a free calculator.

Use an online calculator or if not, these sums:

For Imperial

BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703

BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )

BMI=weight in kilograms/(height in meters)2

Average reach of teenagers?

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The average reach is approx. the height of the boxer. Example, if a boxer is 6 feet tall, which is 72", then average reach would be 72".

How much can i loose 20 pounds in two weeks..?

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to loose 20lbs in a week you need to watch what you are eating and exercise a lot but i will say that loosing weigh is good to do it in little stages for example the quicker you loose weight the quicker you will again it but if you loose it in little stages then you are less likely to gain it back.

What are the exampleof body composition?

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Body composition takes into account the body's type (male or female), the height, the weight, frame size and the proportion of the fat mass compared to the lean muscle mass. Body composition analysis can be done in several ways. The most common method is using a set of measurement calipers, which helps to measure the thickness of subcutaneous fat in different body parts like abs, arms, buttocks, and thighs. These measurements help to determine the total body fat. One of the excellent ways to assess the body composition is hydrostatic weighting, also known as underwater weighting. In this method a person is placed in a specially designed underwater tank to determine the body fat percentage. If more body fat is present, then the body floats and the less it weights in water. When this method is done properly, it gives accurate results. Read more on, body mass index.

What are Possible Exercises for Improving Body Composition?

Different exercises provide different benefits. If a person is obese or overweight, then he/she should opt for exercises which burn the most amount of calories. If you have a medium frame and wish to lose weight and build lean muscles, then stick to exercises which help to build lean muscles rather than exercises which make you sweat a lot. If you wish to put on muscle mass, then you should focus on weight training exercises that help to build muscle weight. Here, are the different body composition exercises according to the goal of the exercise program.

Best Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

Two of the best exercises that help to burn a lot of calories are skipping with a jump rope, and elliptical trainer workout. Skipping is very easy to perform exercise, which doesn't need any expensive fitness equipment, all you need is a jump rope and some floor space, and you can do skipping workouts easily. Skipping helps to burn many calories fast in a short period of time, it helps to burn calories faster than running. Elliptical machine workout is great for losing weight fast, because on an elliptical trainer one need to use the legs and arms both. This leads to overall body weight loss.

Exercises to Build Lean Muscles

Two great exercises to build lean muscles are swimming and aerobics. Swimming is a great workout, which is a low impact and great for people suffering any injuries. Regular swimming helps to build lean muscles, and improve flexibility. Step aerobics workout, are fun workouts which not just help to lose weight fast but also to build lean muscles.

What is the difference between male and female body mass index?

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There are boys and girls. They are different

10 stone 12 lbs 5 foot 2 inches calculate bmi?

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Someone who is 5'4, weighing 12 stone, would have a BMI of 28.9. This would indicate that they're in the overweight category. However, if you have a lot of muscle mass, this isn't accurate.

What exactly is a bmi index calculator?

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The BMI (body mass index) calculator is a useful tool anyone can use to determine if s/he is underweight, the ideal weight, overweight or obese. The calculator lets you input your height, weight, gender, age, and size of clothes to make this determination. Try it out at

How much of the body is made up of muscle mass on the average?

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40-50%, athletes closer to 50, average person closer to 40.

You are a 5ft 4 woman with large frame what should you weigh?

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what should a 5ft 5 woman with a large frame weigh? Thank you for your support!

What does the ideal woman look like?

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"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" If you love more than the physical part of a person and love their soul and heart that is worth more than anything.

I've heard so many men say, "She's good looking, but a perfect bimbo" or "She's a nice looking girl, but no personality." Personality is a big part of our chemistry.

My father told me this "Marcy, don't count on your looks all your life because looks fade and all that is left is what you've made of yourself inside." I've never forgotten that.

If you think it's physical you are in for a sad mistake. It's the total person and real love means not seeing the imperfections in the other person.

Gorgeous eyes, that make you stare at her.. slender legs, and a beautiful smile! Long gorgeous hair, curly or straight!

Breasts truly don't matter but they should stand out at least.

Wear just enough makeup to show yourself but not so much that you look like you're hiding something.

Wearing the right clothes for the right girl helps too..

Healthy! I mean it, beauty is really a measure of health. Bright eyes, white straight teeth, hourglass figure, shiny hair, smooth skin are all indicators of youth and health and are all considered beautiful. Of course so are smiles. Healthy inside and out will always be beautiful and net you complients like "vibrant" instead of the lesser "fashionable." Eat more fresh foods, spend time doing something you love and visit your nearest national park more frequently!

An hourglass figure!

Is BMI accurate for kids?

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You need a chart with BMI for age or the CDC has a similar one. The certainly don't fit the same BMI requirements as adults.

What is the average models bmi?

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yeah models are so skinny they don't really have one!

Is a bmi of 25 to 30 percent healthy?

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A BMI of 25-30 would be considered to be in the overweight range, and therefore would carry a higher health risk. Some people can still have a BMI in the overweight range and be perfectly healthy, though. It depends on your build and the amount of muscle mass you have. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned!

Is BMI an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

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Ratio. It has a true zero.

Can you have an average BMI and still be underweight?

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The BMI is only a measurement of your weight and your height relative to known health risk parameters.

If you have a very low body fat content (since fat weighs less than muscle) you may appear to be underweight even though you have a normal BMI.

What are the ways in which you could maintain or achieve a healthy BMI range?

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Exercise daily, watch your portion sizing and calorie intake. Also be aware of the types of food you are eating and the time. If you eat later at night it takes your body longer to digest, also remember to eat breakfats because it jump starts your metabolism. To find out how much you should be eating go to

What should a 13 year old girls body mass index be?

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They should weigh 100-130lbs if they are 5 feet-5 foot 8.
There is no specific weight for a 13-year-old girl (or a person of any age). Weight is related to height and body compositionrather than age. For more information about weight in relation to height, and to see charts showing the distribution of weights and heights of children at various stages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

I'm 13 year old girl and I weigh 150 I'm 5,5 am I over weight

Based on BMI calculation, a 5'5 person at 150 lbs has a BMI of 25.0, which is borderline overweight. Losing just a few pounds (5-10) will put you safely in the normal weight category. I hope this helps.
It depends on your height. Here below is a link you can go to to check your bmi. (body mass index.) It can tell you if you're normal, under, or overweight.

What is mo farahs bmi?

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Why is child obesity controversial?

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Like any form of obesity, lifestyle is the problem.

With modern life meaning parents work long hours and there is not normally a parent at home to cook healthy meals from scratch any more frozen or fast food is becoming a regular meal for many children. Also the abundance of snacks and refined sugar mean children are often getting many more calories than is needed for their weight to stay stable.

The lack of physical exercise also means children are putting on more and more weight. With televisions providing children's shows 24 hours a day children can sit and watch as long as they want. Along side computer games and other modern technology means that children do not spend the same amount of time running around and creating their own games, that they did 10 or 20 years ago.