

C Sharp

C Sharp is a programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is designed to be a simple, general-purpose, modern, object-oriented programming language. The latest version is C# 4.0. It is designed for developing applications for both embedded and hosted systems.

500 Questions

How do you use gateway for sending SMS in web application using C sharp DotNet?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can make an sms gateway using which uses serial port communication and AT commands

What is thread in computing?

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Asked by Wiki User

a very small twist of flax,wool,cotton, silk or other fibrous substance, drawn out to considerable length; a compound cord consisting of two or more single yarns doubled, or joined together, and twisted.

What is the similarity between abstract class and class?

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Asked by Wiki User

They provide the same level of abstraction and encapsulation, and similar inheritance.

The differences in inheritance: an abstract class forces you to have at least 1 subclass (otherwise this abstraction branch is useless, because you won't be able to create any instance), while a non-abstract class may have optional subclasses.

Who invented c sharp programming?

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Asked by Wiki User

It wasn't really invented. It was designed by some Microsoft division, based on best in area tendencies to the point of time. A lot of concepts was taken directly from Java programming language.

What is the use of static in public static void main?

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Asked by Wiki User

The static keyword signifies that the method belongs to the class and not any of its objects. Hence, the JVM does not have to create an object of that class before beginning execution. Imagine how the JVM would create an object and invokes its method even before the class execution starts. That is why the main method is static and is the starting point of any java application.

How many bytes are allocated to an int in C?

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Asked by Wiki User

16 bit and 32 bit are the most common values. See sizeof.

Is it possible to define a java static method inside a main method?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because, the main method is the starting point of the java program and if we need an object of that class even before the main can be invoked, it is not possible. Hence it is declared static so that the JVM Can acess the main method without having to instantiate that particular class

What is an interface class and what is an abstract class?

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Asked by Verma7

The term interface class does not exist in C#. If this is a term describing a class being an interface to other component (human, subsystems, etc), it is very application specific. The designer of that application should know the abstraction.

However, C# does have another type called interface. An interface is NOT a class. An interface defines the intention of some behaviors that classes may be extended it and provides the implementation. The intention, is nothing but method signatures, which defines the return data type, the method name, and any method arguments and associated data type. The implementation is the code of the method. Interface is used for separating the concern of design and implementation.

Abstract class is a class with abstract keyword. It can be just like a class without that keyword (then, why it is an abstract class?). But it may have some methods or properties defined as abstract. These abstract methods, like the method signatures of an interface, defines the intention.

The subclasses of such an abstract class would need to implement those abstract methods (providing the code).

There are more common, differences between interfaces and abstract classes, please see answer(s) of those related questions in C# category.

Write a program to print all the ASCII values and their equivalent characters using a while loop?

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void main()


int a=1;



printf("%d=%c",a,a );





Why the .net is platform dependent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ya .Net is platform independent as well as dependent.

Once the code is written , it is then compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) which is independent of platform, here the CLR (Common Language Runtime) comes into picture and it consists of JIT(Just In Time)compiler which is going to convert the MSIL code into platform/device specific code. So We have CLR for Windows and CLR for Linux. Here its dependent of the type of machine its running on. So its Dependent.

Why run time polymorphism is dynamic and compile time polymorphism is static?

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Asked by Wiki User

The simple answer is that compile-time polymorphism occurs at compile time while runtime polymorphism occurs at runtime.

The actual answer is that compile-time polymorphism results in the compiler generating source code on your behalf while runtime polymorphism relies on function pointers or virtual methods to determine the next instruction at runtime.

Compile-time polymorphism therefore applies to template functions and classes since that is the only way the compiler can generate source code on your behalf. To achieve this, the runtime type for the template parameters must be fully-defined at compile time, even if those types have runtime polymorphic characteristics of their own.

Runtime polymorphism applies to virtual methods and function pointers, both of which can be used to dynamically alter the execution path of your program. Virtual methods are made possible through virtual tables, which are essentially just arrays of function pointers. Each runtime type that derives from a base class with virtual methods provides its own virtual table, thus the runtime type determines which specific function overrides will be invoked at runtime, even if the runtime type cannot be determined at compile time. In this way you can generalise your code to work with the base type but still get the expected polymorphic behaviour whenever a derived type is passed instead.

What is override keyword in c sharp?

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Asked by Wiki User

Operator Overloading is a Polymorphism concept. Standard unary and binary operators like (+, -, *, /, %, &, |, <<, >> ) have a predefined implementation that describes their behavior when applied on operands. However using operator overloading we can provide additional meanings to these operators.

For example we can add two integers using a + b. However the + operator cannot be used to add two objects for example two vectors. For this we need to overload the operator '+' so as to implement it toadd two vector objects.

refer related links for having a look at the example.

What is the difference between abstract class and normal class?

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Asked by Snehanayak21

Any class which has one or more abstract methods is called an abstract class. But in the normal class we can't have any abstract methods.

We cannot create an object for the abstract classes.

When we inherit the abstract class we should implement the abstract method which we inherit.

What are some sharp objects?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples: knife, sword, ax, guillotine, blade, razor, scalpel, scissors etc.

Write a program find greatest no between three no?

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Asked by Wiki User

public class MathExtension {

public static decimal getGreatest(decimal d1, decimal d2, decimal d3) {

decimal temp = Math.Max(d1, d2);

return Math.Max(temp, d3);




Console.WriteLine(MathExtension.Extension(2m, 3m, 1m)); // prints 3 on console)

How do you inherit from class in c?

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Asked by Wiki User

struct SClass{

int iNumber;

int (*fpgetValue)();

int (*fpsetValue)();


int m_Func(){

printf("\n\n Hello How are you doing,i called by function pointer");


return 1;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])




return 0;


Write a c plus plus program that inputs 5 integers from the user and separates the integer into individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another by three spaces each.?

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Asked by Wiki User

// create an BufferedReader from the standard input stream

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

String currentLine = "";

int total = 0;

int[] ints = new int[5];

// read integers

while (total < 5) {

// get input

System.out.print("Input an integer: ");

currentLine = in.readLine();

// parse as integer

try {

int input = Integer.parseInt(currentLine);

ints[total] = input;


} catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {

System.out.println("That was not an integer.");



// print each number

for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; ++i) {

// get individual digits

if (ints[i] == 0) {


} else {

while (ints[i] > 0) {

System.out.println(ints[i] % 10);

ints[i] /= 10;




Note that this prints out the digits in reverse order (2048 will print 8 first and 2 last).

Why c is preferred over Java for embedded system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Embedded systems typically run on extremely limited hardware. Even the smallest implementation of Java (Micro Edition) can't compete with a small C implementation both in terms of memory footprint and execution speed.

What is the major difference in class and interface in c?

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Asked by Wiki User

The implementation detail. Classes may provide a default implementation, interfaces provide only the method signatures

What are the advantages and disadvantages of arrays in c sharp?

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1. Can store "n" number of same data types in different indexes

2. Can be accesses using reference.


1. No boundary check, if the array boundary is crossed run time

2. No facility to increase the size of array in Run time

When do you give preference to abstract classs and interface?

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Asked by Wiki User

Abstract class provides a way of "being a [something like me]", or inheritance

interface provides a set of functionality (contract) as "behaving".

Abstract class provides the single inheritance and perhaps some default implementation, while interface may be implemented by different classes that have nothing to do one and other except the common interface implementation.

The preference I would start with:

Ask yourself that an object should be "Is a something or behave like something". If your answer is "Is a", then abstract class is more likely your good choice. But if your answer is behave like, does not need to Is a, then the interface is the way to go.

How do you convert a doc file into a pdf file using C sharp code?

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Originally, a full version of Adobe's Acrobat application was required to create PDF (Portal Document Format) files from any application, including Microsoft Word. Subsequently, a number of companies sold inexpensive PDF conversion software to compete with the more expensive Adobe product. These applications, like Acrobat, used a printer driver to "print" Postscript-based PDF files. The Mac OS central window server caches window graphics in PDF, allowing any Macintosh application to print to a PDF file from within the OS.

Today, all current versions of Microsoft Word will save directly into PDF format. There's no need to use Visual Basic, assuming you have Microsoft Word.

You can create PDF files programmatically in VB6. You'll need the mjwPDF class and the appropriate PDF fonts. A tutorial on the subject has been attached to this page as a related link: Tutorial - Create PDF files with VB6

Inaddition, you also can use enolsoft PDF Creator to do that. It's fast and simple yet.

What is expansion of DOT in dot net language?

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Is c sharp a case sensitive language?

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The upper/lower case chars are regarded as being different in C.

For example, you can have two variables, one called 'x' and the other called 'X' and the compiler will recognize them as separate variables.

Full form of net?

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What is .net fullform?

Ans- network enabled technologies