



Definitions are the meanings of words.

500 Questions

What is Auxiliary Boiler?

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An auxiliary boiler is a secondary boiler used to support the main boiler in a steam power plant or marine vessel. It is often used when the main boiler is unable to meet the steam demands, providing additional steam capacity. Auxiliary boilers can also be used for heating purposes during maintenance or downtime of the main boiler.

What is the meaning of S-IV sentence pattern?

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The S-IV sentence pattern refers to a sentence structure where the subject (S) performs the action indicated by the intransitive verb (IV). This means the verb does not require a direct object to complete the sentence. For example, "She sings" is an S-IV sentence where "She" is the subject and "sings" is the intransitive verb.

What is the meaning of teaching approach?

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A teaching approach refers to the overall strategies and methods that a teacher uses to facilitate learning in the classroom. It encompasses how content is presented, the types of activities and assessments used, and the overall philosophy guiding the teaching process. Different teaching approaches can have a significant impact on student engagement, understanding, and retention of information.

What does flip mean in slang?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Flip" is (widely used as) a Racist term, directed at those of Filipino Descent.

The usage began in the Military, along with many other ACRONYMS, both formal & slang (WAC: Women's Army Corps; FUBAR: F**ked up Beyond all Recognition).

FLIP= Originally a hostile term: "F**king Little Island People"; transformed occasionally into a still degrading, but more Politically Correct, version: "Funny Little Island People".

Today The term Flip, has created the same strife among Filipinos, that the term "N*gger" has among African Americans. Some Filipinos have adopted the term as their own & use it as a Racial Pride statement. New variants, such as "Fine Looking Island Person", have emerged. Other Filipinos strongly feel that using labels that were "given" in a Culture of Racism can only ever ingrain feelings of Racial Inferiority & internalized Self-Hatred.

What does dtui mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"dtui" stands for "Don't text under the influence," which is a message reminding people not to text while they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs to prevent accidents or mistakes in communication.

What does strategiser mean?

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"Strategiser" is not a standard English word. It could be a misspelling or a made-up term. If you mean "strategize," it refers to the process of planning or implementing strategies to achieve a specific goal.

What does thesbian mean?

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I currently don't have a definition for "thesbian." It may be a typo or a less common variation of the word "Thespian," which refers to a person involved in theater or acting.

What is bunk school?

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"Bunk school" typically refers to a school or training program that is not legitimate or accredited. These schools often lack proper credentials and may not provide quality education or skills training. It is important to research and verify the accreditation of any school or program before enrolling.

Learning without thought is a snare thought without learning is a danger?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote highlights the importance of combining both learning and critical thinking. Without critical thinking, learning may lack depth and understanding, leading to potential pitfalls. Conversely, engaging in thought without proper education or learning can be reckless and misguided. It emphasizes the value of combining knowledge acquisition with analytical thinking for a more holistic approach to learning.

Why is mainstreaming relevant?

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Mainstreaming is relevant because it promotes inclusivity by integrating individuals with disabilities into regular educational and social environments. It helps reduce stigma, fosters acceptance, and provides opportunities for all individuals to learn, interact, and grow together.

What does writing to inform mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Writing to inform means communicating factual information in a clear and straightforward manner. The purpose is to educate and create understanding by presenting details, explanations, and evidence to inform the reader about a specific topic or subject. This type of writing aims to provide accurate information without bias or persuasion.

Meaning of community based approach?

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A community-based approach involves engaging and involving local residents, organizations, and stakeholders in decision-making, planning, and implementing solutions to address issues and improve well-being within a community. It emphasizes collaboration, empowerment, and utilizing local resources and knowledge to create sustainable and effective solutions.

What is speaking with intention?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speaking with intention means communicating purposefully and consciously, putting thought into both what is being said and how it is being said. It involves being clear about the message you want to convey and the impact you want to have on your audience. It can help improve communication effectiveness and foster more meaningful connections with others.

Best describes IA for Information Assurance Awareness?

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Information Assurance Awareness (IA) is a program designed to educate individuals about the importance of safeguarding sensitive information and systems from security threats. It aims to promote a culture of security awareness, best practices, and compliance with policies and regulations to mitigate risks and protect organizations from cyber attacks.

What is inqury?

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Asked by Wiki User

An inquiry is a formal investigation or process of seeking information or knowledge about a particular topic or issue. It involves asking questions, conducting research, and analyzing data to find answers or solutions. Inquiries are commonly used in academic, scientific, legal, and business settings.

What is aesthetic theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aesthetic theory is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of beauty, art, and taste. It explores questions related to the nature of art, how we perceive beauty, and the role of creativity in human experience. Aesthetic theory seeks to understand and evaluate the principles that underlie our judgments of what is aesthetically pleasing or significant.

Can flunk be used in passive voice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, "flunk" can be used in passive voice. For example, "The exam was flunked by the student" is in the passive voice.

Give you the exact definition of sociocultural tradition of communication theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sociocultural tradition of communication theory focuses on the influence of societal norms, values, and beliefs on communication patterns. It emphasizes how cultures shape communication practices, including language use, nonverbal cues, and interaction styles. This approach looks at how communication is influenced by larger social structures and contexts.

What does showing a lack of interest or intelligence mean?

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Showing a lack of interest typically means not engaging with a topic or conversation, while showing a lack of intelligence could refer to difficulties in understanding or retaining information. However, it's important to approach these situations with empathy and understanding, as there could be various underlying reasons for these behaviors.

What is the longest word in Chinese?

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Asked by Wiki User

It doesn't depend on how many letters there are in the word, because of the culture of the language. It depends on how many strokes there are. I think it's 馨 (xin) which can be translated as hope.

What does the prefix herba mean?

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The prefix "herba" refers to plants or herbs. It is commonly used in botanical and medical terminology to indicate plants or plant-based substances.

What does singulaur mean?

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"Singular" means unique, one of a kind, or individual. It can also refer to something being separate from others or standing alone.

What is the word that mean something you remember?

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The word is "memory." It refers to the ability to retain information, experiences, or events in one's mind.

What does HSIE mean?

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HSIE stands for Human Society and Its Environment. It is an educational framework in Australia that encompasses subjects such as history, geography, civics, and economics to help students understand and engage with the world around them.

What does island connote?

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An island connotes a landmass that is surrounded by water on all sides. Islands are typically smaller in size compared to continents, and they can be found in oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers. Islands are often associated with natural beauty, seclusion, and sometimes a sense of isolation.