


Desserts, Snacks, and Treats

The sweet tidbits that are used to finish off a meal are some of the more spectacular creations of a chef. The creation of these treats leads to numerous questions that can be asked and ideas that can be shared in answers in our 'Desserts Snacks and Treats' category and its subcategories.

500 Questions

Where is the Indian burial ground in pet cemetery actually located?

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The Indian burial ground in "Pet Sematary" is a fictional location created by author Stephen King for his novel. It is not based on an actual place.

A candy bar with the name of the famous writer of short stories?

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A candy bar named "Poe's Peanuts" in reference to Edgar Allan Poe, a famous writer known for his macabre and suspenseful short stories.

What was the first candy?

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It is believed that the first candy was honey-based confections made by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. These early candies were simple mixtures of honey and fruits or nuts.

How do you beat up a nerd?

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Asked by Wiki User

Violence is never the solution. It's important to treat others with respect and kindness, regardless of their interests or hobbies. If you have disagreements with someone, it's best to address them calmly and find a peaceful resolution.

Where can you buy Turkish delight sweets in US?

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Asked by Wiki User

Turkish delight sweets can be purchased in specialty food stores, international markets, and online retailers in the US. Some popular online options include Amazon, World Market, and Turkish specialty retailers.

What is the person on the train called that sells candy and newspapers in the early 1900?

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Asked by JAGuar911

That person would be called a newsboy or newsie. They would typically sell newspapers, candy, and other goods to passengers on trains during the early 1900s.

What is the world record for not crying?

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I am currently at 23+ years, but I'm sure someone out there is longer than that.

What are Craisins?

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Craisins are sweetened dried cranberries. They are a popular snack or ingredient in salads, baked goods, and trail mixes. Craisins offer a chewy texture and a sweet-tart flavor.

Who is double fudge?

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Double Fudge is the main character in the children's book "Double Fudge" by Judy Blume. The book follows Fudge, a young boy who goes on a family vacation to Washington D.C. and gets into humorous and unexpected situations.

How long could a person survive by only eating poptarts?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person can survive for a while on a diet of only Pop-Tarts as they provide some calories, carbohydrates, and sugars, but it would not be a balanced or healthy diet. Poptarts lack essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, which are necessary for long-term health. Extended consumption of only Pop-Tarts could lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems.

Who was the first person to make caramel?

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The origin of caramel is not definitively attributed to a single person. Caramel making has been a culinary technique used for centuries, with variations around the world. It is believed that caramel as we know it today likely evolved over time through the experimentation of cooks and candy makers.

What is Ruby Bridges favorite food?

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You’ll bad stick with the internet

What food helps you think better?

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Foods high in essential Omega 3 fatty acids are found to be helpful in brain function and preventing diseases such as Alzheimers'. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Whole grain foods and berries are also popular "brain food."

Does it take 300 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

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Asked by Dragongirl0905

no it takes 5000 licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll po

What is the average price of a candy bar in 2008?

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the coast of a candy bar in 1991 was .50 cents

Are nibbit snacks still produced?

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I wish they were.

I loved Nibbits/Wheelz....the orange packet was mexican spice flavour, the red packet was plain and blue was onion & vinegar. The packs were pretty big too and around 30p ish from Kwik Save when I was a kid....aww memories.

There are a packet of snacks from Marks & Spencers...a mix of shaped snacks but they have wheel shaped ones mixed in which are similar to Wheelz but more spicey.

Dose santa like brownies and milk?

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Yes he does he like any sweet desert you put on the plate

What candy bar is named after something that can't remember its name?

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The candy bar that can not remember its name is the Whatchamacallit.

Are candy wrappers biodegradable?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the materials used. Paper and foil are the most environmentally friendly material, and are certainly biodegradable and recyclable. Composite materials, such as foil combined with plastic, or plastic are the worst, and in most cases will never truly biodegrade. Most of these cheap plastics will at best break down in to smaller pieces of plastic.

How many schools have vending machines?

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Enough to sell all the product inside.

What are some Spanish snacks?

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  • Chicken: pollo
  • Steak: bistec
  • Turkey: pavo
  • Apple: manzana
  • Banana: platano
  • Bread: pan
  • French Fries: patatas fritas
  • Lettuce: lechuga
  • Tomato: tomate
  • Ice Cream: helado
  • Pork: cerdo
  • Beef: ternera (ternera actually means veal, but you won't find real veal very often)
  • Potato: patata
  • Rice: arroz
  • Soup: sopa
  • Milk: leche
  • Potato Salad: Ensaladilla Rusa
  • Cheese: queso
  • Canned Ham: jamon york

Is it illegal to sell candy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It also crates tooth decay and high blood pressure. Also i think schools should not sell candy in schools but they should sell fruit and vegetables.

I think it should because it should be for snack if people do have snack.

Why are sweets bad for you?

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are bad for you health-wise. But you can eat sweets and not gain weight as long as you aren't eating more calories than you need. Like if all you eat all day is a pint of

ice cream

, you probably would not gain weight.

Hmm stop eating sweets by... not putting them in your mouth... not buying them, getting them out of your house, chewing gum instead. Basically though you need willpower.

What does a whelk look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hope this helps....

Whelk or welk is a common name used for some sea snails. The word is applied to various species within several unrelated groups of medium-sized to large marine gastropod molluscs. Whelks are mostly found in temperate and tropical waters, and the majority of them have historically been used by humans for food.

The species referred to using this common name vary from one part of the English-speaking world to another:

  • In the United States, whelk refers to several large edible species in the genera Busycon and Busycotypus within the family Melongenidae. These are sometimes called Busycon whelks. In addition, the unrelated invasive murex Rapana venosa is referred to as the Veined rapa whelk or Asian rapa whelk.
  • British Isles, Belgium and Netherlands. The word whelk probably originated around 1400 in Middle English as wioloc or wiluc. In the British Isles, Belgium and the Netherlands, the word is applied to a number of species in the family Buccinidae, especially to Buccinum undatum, an edible European and Northern Atlantic species.
  • In Scotland, the word "whelk" is also used for the periwinkle (Littorina littorea). [1]
  • West Indies. In the English-speaking islands of the West Indies, the word whelks or wilks (the word is both singular and plural) is applied to a large edible top shell, Cittarium pica, also known as the magpie or West Indian top shell.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, species of the genus Cabestana are called predatory whelks.