



An educator (or teacher) is a person who instructs and educates students. To be an educator, a person must obtain professional qualifications and teaching certification from a university or college.

500 Questions

Why teachers should be involved in curriculum development?

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Teachers are on the front line when it comes to working with students. It is important to include them in curriculum development because teachers often know what works best with their students.

Who is given the special gift of infallibility to protect them from error in teaching matters of faith and morals?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to Catholic belief, the Pope is given the special gift of infallibility to protect him from error in teaching matters of faith and morals when he speaks ex cathedra, or officially from the Chair of Peter. This means that under certain conditions and with specific criteria met, the Pope is preserved from error when issuing teachings on matters of faith and morals for the whole Church to believe.

What are the traditional assessment tools in teaching?

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Traditional assessment tools in teaching include quizzes, tests, exams, essays, and homework assignments. These tools are typically used to evaluate students' understanding of the material taught in a course.

What are the scope and sequence of MSEPP in RBEC curriculum particularly in elementary level?

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The Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) in the Revised Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) focuses on developing language skills in the learner's first language and gradually transitioning to Filipino and English. The scope includes language proficiency, literacy skills, and cultural awareness. The sequence starts with foundational language skills in the first language, then progresses to introduction of Filipino and English as subjects, building on the student's linguistic and cognitive development.

How do teachers equip the students using the four pillars of education?

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Teachers can equip students using the four pillars of education (learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together) by incorporating a variety of teaching methods that promote critical thinking, practical skills development, personal growth, and social interaction. This can involve hands-on activities, real-life applications of concepts, fostering self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and encouraging collaboration and empathy among students. Ultimately, teachers aim to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in both their personal and professional lives.

What are the strategies in teaching elementary hekasi?

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When teaching elementary Hekasi (Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika), it is important to make the lessons engaging and interactive. Use visual aids, stories, and hands-on activities to help students understand and connect with the topics. Encourage critical thinking by asking open-ended questions and promoting discussions about current events related to social studies.

What are the various resources of the school and the teacher's role?

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School resources can include textbooks, technology, classroom materials, and facilities. The teacher's role is to effectively utilize these resources to create engaging lessons, facilitate student learning, and provide support for student success. Teachers also play a key role in coordinating with other school staff to ensure resources are being used effectively.

What are the importance of curriculum evaluation?

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Curriculum evaluation helps determine the effectiveness of the curriculum in achieving its objectives. It ensures that the goals of teaching and learning are being met and helps in making necessary improvements to enhance student outcomes. Additionally, it helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum and provides valuable feedback for future planning and development.

What are the strategies in teaching mapeh?

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Some strategies in teaching MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) include incorporating hands-on activities, using technology to enhance lessons, providing opportunities for student creativity and self-expression, and linking lessons to real-life applications to engage students in the learning process. Additionally, differentiation to cater to various learning styles and abilities is important in teaching MAPEH effectively.

Who is the father of play method in teaching?

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Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, is known as the father of the play method in teaching. He believed that children learn best through play and hands-on activities, which led to the development of the concept of kindergarten.

Can you achieve academic excellence through usage of one form of instruction for all students?

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No, academic excellence is better achieved through a personalized approach that considers the diverse learning styles, needs, and abilities of individual students. Tailoring instruction to meet each student's unique requirements can lead to better engagement, understanding, and outcomes.

What are the community resources used in teaching?

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Community resources used in teaching can include guest speakers, field trips, local experts, libraries, museums, and community organizations. These resources help students connect learning to real-life experiences and provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By utilizing these resources, educators can create engaging and interactive learning opportunities for students.

What are the the role and responsibilities of head master and teacher?

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The headmaster is responsible for overall management of the school, including staff supervision, curriculum development, and student discipline. Teachers are responsible for planning and delivering lessons, assessing student progress, and creating a positive learning environment. Both roles require effective communication, leadership, and a commitment to student success.

What is student absenteeism and laziness in study?

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Student absenteeism refers to when a student is consistently missing school or classes without a valid reason. Laziness in studying can be when a student lacks motivation or effort in completing their schoolwork or preparing for exams. Both can have negative impacts on a student's academic performance and overall success.

Should teacher be involved in curriculum planning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, teachers should be involved in curriculum planning because they have valuable insights into their students' needs, learning styles, and abilities. By including teachers in the curriculum planning process, it ensures that the content is relevant, engaging, and aligned with educational goals. Additionally, teacher input can lead to more effective teaching strategies and improved student outcomes.

What is dimensional approach in teaching reading?

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The dimensional approach in teaching reading focuses on recognizing that reading is a complex process involving various dimensions such as linguistic, affective, cognitive, and social aspects. It emphasizes the importance of integrating these dimensions to enhance reading comprehension and fluency. This approach supports a holistic view of reading instruction that considers the diverse needs and backgrounds of students.

Can teachers wipe a students butt for them?

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No, teachers are not expected to perform personal care tasks such as wiping a student's butt. Parents or trained caregivers typically handle these tasks for students who require assistance with personal hygiene.

Who else are involved in the curriculum planning aside from teachers?

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Other stakeholders involved in curriculum planning may include curriculum developers, educational administrators, subject matter experts, students, parents, and community members. Their input helps ensure that the curriculum is comprehensive, relevant, and aligned with educational standards and goals.

What is the difference between a mock up and a model?

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A mock-up is a full-scale model used for design evaluation and testing, often made from cheaper materials. A model is a smaller representation of an object or system used to study its features or behavior. Models can be physical or digital.

What is separate subject curriculum?

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Separate subject curriculum refers to a teaching approach where different academic subjects are taught in isolation, each with its own dedicated time and focus in the school day. This approach allows for in-depth study and mastery of individual subjects, but may also limit opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and connections between subjects.

Why should a teacher know more than he or she is expected to teach?

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Asked by Chisako

A teacher who knows more than what they are expected to teach can provide additional insights, answer students' questions more thoroughly, and offer real-world applications of the material. This can enhance students' learning experience and inspire curiosity and critical thinking.

What are the responsibilities of teachers?

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Teachers are responsible for educating and guiding students, creating lesson plans, assessing student progress, providing feedback, fostering a positive learning environment, and collaborating with parents and staff to support student success. They also play a role in promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills development.

Why should a teacher be informative?

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A teacher should be informative to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the subject matter being taught. Being informative helps students learn and grasp concepts, leading to academic success and growth.

What is the role in teaching learning process in edusat?

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EDUSAT's role in the teaching-learning process is to facilitate distance education through satellite communication technology. It enables the delivery of educational content to remote or underserved areas, allowing students to access quality education regardless of their geographical location. EDUSAT helps in enhancing the reach and effectiveness of teaching and learning by providing interactive lessons, training programs, and resources.

What are the problems encountered in teaching typewriting and shorthand in secondary schools?

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Some common problems encountered in teaching typewriting and shorthand in secondary schools include outdated equipment and resources, lack of qualified teachers, limited class time for practice and repetition, and declining interest in these skills due to technological advancements. Students may also struggle with the speed and accuracy required for proficiency in typewriting and shorthand.