


Metaphors Metonymy and Synecdoche

Includes questions about the use of expressions to refer one thing to another. Metaphors are comparisons without the use of the words "like" or "as". Ex: All the world's a stage. Metonymy shows association between two concepts. Ex: The press was banned from the room. (Press, meaning reporters.) Synechdoche is a part or a whole concept described by a single body part. Ex: All hands on deck.

500 Questions

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression a stone's throw?

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Asked by Wiki User

The idiom "a stone's throw" means a very short distance away. It is often used to describe something that is nearby or easily accessible.

Love in the corn husks story?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Love in the Corn Husks" is a traditional folk tale from the Mexican state of Veracruz. It tells the story of a forbidden love between two young people from opposing families, who meet secretly in a cornfield to be together. Despite the challenges they face, their love endures and is ultimately celebrated by the community. The story highlights themes of love, perseverance, and the power of unity.

What is a good extended metaphor about school?

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Asked by Wiki User

School is a garden where seeds of knowledge are planted, watered by teachers and nurtured by students. Just as plants grow and blossom over time, students flourish with new skills and understanding in the classroom. Graduation becomes the harvest, showcasing the fruits of hard work and dedication.

What are metaphors for a teacher?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. A teacher is a guiding light, illuminating the path to knowledge and understanding for their students.
  2. A teacher can be like a gardener, nurturing and cultivating the minds of their students to help them grow and flourish.
  3. A teacher is a bridge, connecting students to new ideas and perspectives that expand their horizons.

Is tongue twisted a metaphor?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "tongue-twisted" is not a metaphor. It is an idiom used to describe someone having difficulty speaking clearly or pronouncing words due to nervousness or confusion. Metaphors typically involve comparing two unlike things without using "like" or "as".

What is a metaphor using the word sneaky?

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Asked by Wiki User

Her smile was a sneaky shadow creeping across her face, hiding her true intentions in the darkness.

What is the metaphor for silly?

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Asked by Wiki User

the metaphor for silly could be a clown or a joker
Silly like a bucket, or silly as a goose are two possibilities. There are many more.

Why is goofy clumsy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goofy is portrayed as clumsy for comic effect in order to provide humor and entertainment in the stories he appears in. This trait of clumsiness is part of his character design and personality, making him a lovable and comedic sidekick.

What is the full form of IS?

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Asked by Wiki User

IS can stand for various terms depending on the context. It could refer to Information Systems, Information Security, or Islamic State, among others.

What does the phrase 'to flip things on its head' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Imagine if you flipped a person upside down so they were standing on their head - that's what this phrase means literally.

As an idiom, it means taking an idea or rule or situation and changing the way things are done or thought about. If you have a new boss and he totally changes the way you do things at work, he has "turned things on their head."

What is a directly stated metaphor?

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Asked by Wiki User

A directly stated metaphor is when a comparison between two unlike things is explicitly made in a sentence without using "like" or "as." For example, "Her laughter was music to my ears."

Give at least 5 sentence in metonymy?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The White House announced new policies today. (referring to the President or administration)
  2. Hollywood pays well. (referring to the film industry)
  3. The pen is mightier than the sword. (referring to the power of the written word)
  4. Wall Street reacted positively to the news. (referring to the financial district)
  5. The crown will address the nation at noon. (referring to the monarch or government)

How do you use the word synecdoche in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of using synecdoche in a sentence is "The White House announced a new policy," where "the White House" represents the U.S. government as a whole. In this case, "the White House" is a part of the government that is used to refer to the entire government.

For a black women what does a queen of spade mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In some contexts, the term "queen of spades" is a racially derogatory term used to refer to a white woman who is attracted to black men. Its use is offensive and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. It is important to avoid using and perpetuating such derogatory terms.

How do you write my school building in personification?

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Asked by Candy161718

The school building stands tirelessly welcoming students each morning. Its walls hold the echoes of laughter and the weight of knowledge gained throughout the day. The windows watch over the playground, witnessing games played and friendships formed. At night, it rests quietly, waiting for a new day of learning to begin.

Synecdoche examples use in many sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "All hands on deck" is an example of synecdoche, where 'hands' represent the whole person.
  2. "The press was in a frenzy" is another synecdoche, with 'press' referring to journalists.
  3. "The city came out to cheer the team" uses synecdoche with 'city' standing in for the residents.
  4. "He's got a new set of wheels" is a synecdoche with 'wheels' representing a car.

How does context affect the meaning of words?

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Asked by Wiki User

Context influences the interpretation of words by providing additional information that helps to clarify their intended meaning. This can include factors such as tone of voice, body language, previous conversation, and cultural background. Without context, words may be open to multiple interpretations, making it crucial to consider the surrounding circumstances for a more accurate understanding.

A sound like flat pieces of leather being slapped together a metaphor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sound was like a symphony of flat leather pieces dancing in unison, creating a rhythmic percussion.

What is the effect of synecdoche?

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Asked by Wiki User

Synecdoche is a figure of speech where a part represents the whole or vice versa. It can create emphasis or highlight specific aspects of a subject. By using synecdoche, writers can add depth and layers of meaning to their work.

What is a metaphors for old?

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Asked by Wiki User

A metaphor for old could be "like fine wine," suggesting that something becomes more valuable and refined with age.

Examples of sentences using the word agrarian?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The agrarian society depended on farming for sustenance.
  2. The agrarian region was characterized by vast fields of crops.
  3. Many people in the village embraced traditional agrarian practices.
  4. New technologies have modernized the agrarian industry.

What is a metaphor sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. For example, "His words were a soothing balm for her troubled mind." In this sentence, the words being compared are not literally a balm, but they are described as having a similar effect.

How do you use personify in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

My cat's playful antics personify the spirit of a mischievous child.