


Includes questions related to words and phrases that are spelled the same backwards and forwards.

500 Questions

What is the palindromes for narratives of heroic deeds?

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"Madam, in Eden I'm Adam" is a palindrome for "narratives of heroic deeds".

Whose name is a palindrome in the book Holes?

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Stanley Yelnats is the character in the book "Holes" whose name is a palindrome.

What is a epic narrative?

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An epic narrative is a long, formal, and traditional story that typically involves heroic deeds, larger-than-life characters, and grand adventures. These narratives often explore themes of heroism, conflict, and the struggle between good and evil. Examples of epic narratives include the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" by Homer.

What is a palindrome rib crib bib or fib?

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The word "rib" is a palindrome because it reads the same forwards and backwards.

What is famous literary character with a palindromic name had to dig into his problems?

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One famous literary character with a palindromic name who had to dig into his problems is Otto in "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama!" by Ben H. Winters. It is a mystery novel where Otto finds himself in a suspenseful situation and has to work through his problems through a series of adventures.

What is a palindromic title?

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A palindromic title is a title that reads the same forwards and backwards. Examples of palindromic titles include "A Santa at NASA" or "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama."

What are types of Figuritive language?

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Some types of figurative language include simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and idiom. These devices are used to create vivid imagery, convey complex meanings, and enhance the overall impact of the text.

What is the palindrome for Adventure stories about heroes?

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The palindrome for "Adventure stories about heroes" is "seoreh tuoba seirts yenturudevA".

What are the types of language?

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Languages can be categorized into spoken, written, signed, and programming languages. Spoken languages are oral communication systems, written languages use characters and symbols to represent words, signed languages use gestures and signs, and programming languages are used to write instructions for computers.

What are the different types of figurative language?

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Some common types of figurative language include simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, idiom, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and oxymoron. Figurative language is used to create imagery, evoke emotions, and enhance the meaning of a text.

What is a palindrome for old and faded?

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One possible palindrome for "old" is "dol", and for "faded" is "dedaf". So, a palindrome for "old and faded" could be "dol dedaf".

What is the Palindrome of lady monk?

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The palindrome of "lady monk" is "knom ydal."

What is a palindrome for more crimson?

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A palindrome for "more crimson" is "ni mrisnoc erom."

Palindrome for title of respect to an lady?

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"Madam" is a palindrome that can be used as a title of respect for a lady. It reads the same forwards and backwards.

Palindrome of legends?

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The phrase "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!" is a famous palindrome. It reads the same backwards as it does forwards.

Palindromes to look furtively?

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"Madam, in Eden I'm Adam."

"Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live."

"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama."

Is a palindrome a type of limerick?

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No, a palindrome is not a type of limerick. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards, while a limerick is a form of poetry with a specific rhyme and meter scheme.

What is a palindrome for short for Robert?

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Bob is a palindrome for Robert.

Can you tell me all the palindromes you know?

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Six letters
  • degged - past tense of to deg, meaning to water a plant
  • denned - past tense of to den, meaning to live in a den
  • hallah - a variant of challah, a type of bread traditionally eaten by Jews
  • Hannah - a female given name
  • mallam - in West Africa, a learned man
  • marram - a type of grass
  • pip-pip - an old-fashioned British word for good-bye
  • pull-up or pullup - an exercise in which one pulls oneself up by the arms
  • redder - more red
  • renner - an archaic variant of runner
  • revver - someone or something that revs (an engine)
  • selles - plural of selle, an archaic word for a saddle
  • sesses - plural or third-person present tense of sess, an archaic word for tax (a variant of assess)
  • succus - any of various liquids excreted by animals or plants
  • terret - a metal ring on a harness, through which the reins pass
  • tirrit - according to Webster's Dictionary (1913): "A word from the vocabulary of Mrs. Quickly, the hostess in Shakespeare's Henry IV., probably meaning terror"
  • tut-tut - a disapproving sound; to make such a sound
Five letters
  • alala - a type of Hawaiian crow
  • alula - a structure forming part of a bird's wing
  • arara - a type of Australian cockatoo; also a Brazilian macaw
  • civic - relating to a city
  • debed - to remove someone from a bed
  • deked - past tense of "to deke", meaning to deceive (especially in ice hockey)
  • deled - past tense of "to dele", meaning to delete (a passage of text)
  • dered - past tense of "to dere", an archaic word meaning to harm
  • dewed - past tense of "to dew", meaning to cover with dew
  • dexed - past tense of "to dex", meaning to drink robotussin
  • Hamah - variant of Hama, a city in Syria
  • Igigi - a class of Sumerian gods
  • irori - traditional Japanese sunken fireplace
  • kaiak - variant of kayak
  • Kanak - a native of New Caledonia; also, short for Kanakaole i.e. Hawaiian surname
  • kayak - a light Inuit canoe
  • Kazak - a member of a people inhabiting the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan; their language
  • kelek - a type of raft used in the Middle East
  • level - various common meanings
  • Liril - a cosmetic soap popular in India
  • madam - a polite form of address for a woman
  • minim - a musical note having half the duration of a full note
  • neven - "To name; to mention; to utter. [Obs.]" (definition from Webster's Dictionary, 1913)
  • put-up - deceitful, as in a put-up job
  • radar - a method of detecting objects using radio waves (acronym from Radio Detection And Ranging, so it's self-defining too - i. e., the word "bounces back" like a radar signal)
  • refer - various common meanings
  • rotor - something that rotates
  • sagas - plural of saga, a long narrative story
  • semes - plural of seme, a linguistic element
  • seres - plural of sere, a series of stages of ecological development
  • sexes - plural of sex
  • shahs - plural of shah, a former name for the king of Iran
  • Sinis - variant of siris (q.v.)
  • siris - a type of tree; (with cap.) a figure in Greek mythology
  • solos - plural of solo
  • stats - contraction of statistics
  • stets - third-person present tense of "to stet", meaning to indicate that a passage of text should remain unchanged
  • stots - third-person present tense of "to stot", meaning to leap or bounce
  • sulus - plural of sulu, a type of sarong
  • Susus - plural of Susu, a member of a West African people
  • tenet - a belief or principle
  • Wakaw - A town and a lake in Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Xanax - Pfizer's trade name for alprazolam, a benzodiazepene used to treat panic disorder (severe anxiety and panic attacks).
Four letters
  • adda - a type of lizard
  • Adda - a river in Italy; a river in Wales
  • affa - "A weight used on the Guinea coast, equal to an ounce" (definition from Webster's Dictionary, 1828)
  • anna - an Indian coin
  • Anna - a girl's name
  • Beeb - an informal name for the BBC
  • boob - a blunder; a breast
  • deed - various common meanings
  • esse - existence or essence
  • goog - an egg (Australian slang)
  • immi - a Swiss unit of volume
  • keek - to peep
  • kook - a crazy person
  • ma'am - a contraction of madam
  • naan - a type of Indian bread
  • noon - midday
  • oppo - see [7]
  • otto - variant of attar, an essential oil
  • Otto - a proper name
  • peep - various common meanings
  • poop - a raised deck at the stern of a ship; various other meanings
  • sees - third-person present tense of 'to see'
  • toot - the sound made by a horn or whistle
Three letters
  • aba - a fabric woven of the hair of camels or goats
  • aga - title for a civil or military leader, especially in Turkey
  • aha - used to express surprise, pleasure or triumph
  • ala - a wing or winglike structure or part
  • ama - a housemaid, especially a wet nurse, in India and the Far East
  • ana - a collection of various materials that reflect the character of a person or place, e.g. "early 1900's Americana"
  • Ara - a star constellation; a genus of macaws
  • ava - a species of Macropiper (M. methysticum), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by the Polynesians
  • Ava - a girl's name
  • awa - away (Official Scrabble Players Dictionary)
  • bib - a piece of cloth or plastic secured under the chin and worn, especially by small children, to protect the clothing while eating
  • bob - to float on the surface of water
  • Bob - shortened form of Robert, a boy's name
  • bub - used as a term of familiar address, especially for a man or boy ('See you around, bub.')
  • dad - father
  • did - past tense of the verb "do"
  • dud - something that doesn't work or succeed
  • eke - to obtain by great effort
  • eme - a distinctive unit of linguistic structure
  • ere - before (archaic or poetic)
  • eve - the period immediately preceding a certain event
  • Eve - a girl's name
  • ewe - a female sheep (ovine)
  • eye - the usual organ of sight
  • gag - something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out; the act or an instance of gagging or choking
  • gig - a music event; also, a light two-wheeled carriage
  • gog - roof, covering
  • hah - a variation of "Ha!"
  • heh - used to express contempt; part of a snigger ("heh-heh")
  • huh - used to express interrogation, surprise, contempt or indifference
  • mem - the 13th letter of the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets
  • mim - demure
  • mom - mother (American)
  • mum - mother (British); a reference to silence (usually with "keep"; British)
  • nan - a variation of "nanny"
  • non - a prefix meaning "not" or "against"
  • nun - a female clergyman who practices celibacy; the 14th letter of the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets
  • oho - used to express surprise, comprehension, or mock astonishment
  • omo - prefix; shoulder: omohyoid; also, a brand of washing powder sometimes used as the generic term for all washing powder
  • ono - "grief or strength or iniquity of him" (Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary)
  • oxo - oxime
  • pap - a food made with warm milk and crumbled bread
  • pep - energy and high spirits
  • pip - a seed; also, to get the better of
  • pop - a cola; also, to burst
  • pup - the young of any of various mammals
  • sis - shortened form of "sister"
  • sos - plural of "so", the fifth tone of the diatonic scale in music
  • tat - tattoo
  • tet - the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  • tit - a small bird (British); a breast (slang)
  • tot - a small child; a small quantity of liquid
  • tut - used to express annoyance, impatience or mild reproof ("Tut, tut, child!")
  • vav - the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  • waw - the sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet
  • wow - used to express amazement
  • yay - used to express happiness/delight
  • zuz - a Palestinian coin
  • zzz - the sound of snoring

What is a palindromic acrostic?

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A palindromic acrostic is a form of wordplay where the first letter of each line forms a word or phrase reading from top to bottom, while the last letter of each line creates the same word or phrase when read from bottom to top. This creates a mirrored effect within the text.

Meaning of heroic tales for palindrome?

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Heroic tales in palindrome form provide a unique and fun way to engage with stories of bravery, courage, and triumph. They add an element of creativity and playfulness to these narratives, inviting readers to explore familiar themes in a new and inventive way. Palindrome heroic tales can be a creative outlet for writers and a source of entertainment for readers looking for a different perspective on traditional storytelling.

What is the palindromes for short for Robert?

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A palindrome for "Robert" is "treboR."

Where did the name Hose Bib origenate from?

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The term "hose bib" likely originated from the combination of "hose," which refers to a flexible tube used for conveying water, and "bib," which typically refers to a piece of clothing worn to protect the front of the body. Together, "hose bib" describes the outdoor water faucet with a threaded spout used to connect a garden hose for watering purposes.

What are some 5 syllables palindromes?

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Two examples of 5-syllable palindromes are "deified" and "deliver reviled."