

School Uniforms

Some schools require students to wear uniforms such as khaki or navy pants and collared shirts. Educators argue that uniforms promote better behavior during the school day. Ask questions here about different requirements for school uniforms and where to shop for them.

500 Questions

How many teachers think that school uniforms should not be required?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uniforms should not be required because they are simply uncomfortable, I feel all children around the world should be allowed to wear what they feel comfortable in, and if that's blue jeans and a t-shirt well let them wear it.

Should children be allowed to wear uniforms to school?

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Why should kids wear school uniforms they can't be happy if they wear something somone elss likes and they don't I want no uniforme's and to make clothes they want to

How do school uniforms make school safer?

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because if stranger walkes into your school and you are wearing school uniform they can be caught out if you are not wearing school uniform they can blend in

Who invented the first school uniform?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept of school uniforms can be traced back to the UK in the 16th century, with the implementation of the first official school uniform at the Christ's Hospital School in London. However, the idea of standardized dress codes for students dates back even further, with early examples found in monastic and charity schools in the Middle Ages.

What are good titles for editorials on school uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms: Striking a Balance"
  2. "Uniformity vs. Individuality: Debating the Role of School Dress Codes"
  3. "Beyond Appearance: Examining the Impact of School Uniforms on Student Behavior"
  4. "Empowering Students or Infringing on Rights? The School Uniform Debate"

Kids should express them selfs with no uniforms?

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Allowing kids to express themselves through their clothing can help foster individuality, creativity, and self-expression. It can also support their development of personal identity and self-confidence. However, it is important to balance this freedom with appropriate guidelines to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment.

ARE school uniforms itchy?

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Asked by Wiki User

School uniforms can be itchy for some individuals depending on the fabric and quality of the material used. It's best to choose uniforms made from soft, breathable, and comfortable fabrics to avoid itchiness. Washing uniforms before wearing them can also help soften the fabric and reduce any itchiness.

What is a n allusion on school uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

An allusion to school uniforms could be "dressed for success," suggesting that wearing a uniform can help students focus on their studies and academic success. It might also allude to equality and unity among students, as everyone is dressed the same.

Does Nobel middle school have uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Nobel Middle School does have a uniform policy. Students are required to wear a specific uniform consisting of a designated color polo shirt and khaki or navy bottoms.

What temperature should cotton be washed on?

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Cotton can typically be washed in either cold or warm water, with cold water being a more gentle option. Check the care label on the garment for specific washing instructions as some cotton items may require a specific temperature setting.

There shold be no school uniforms?

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Opponents argue that school uniforms limit students' freedom of expression and individuality. Proponents believe uniforms enhance school safety, reduce peer pressure, and promote equality among students. Ultimately, the decision to implement uniforms should consider the unique needs and values of each school community.

What are school uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

School uniforms are standard outfits worn by students in a particular school. They typically consist of specific clothing items, such as a shirt, pants/skirt, and often a tie or blazer, that students are required to wear during school hours. The purpose of school uniforms is to promote a sense of belonging, equality, and discipline among students.

Should school uniforms be worn pro or con?

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I HATE GYM UNIFORMS, they are SO uncomfortable and UGLY, i think they have too many big sizes and barely any small sizes. They are hard to do PE class in and no one likes them! We need to change are gym uniforms.

Carey, 14

James Middle School

What problems does having a school uniform cause?

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Asked by Wiki User

Having a school uniform can restrict individuality and self-expression among students. It can also create a sense of conformity, inhibiting creativity and personal style. Additionally, uniforms can be expensive for families who have limited financial resources, potentially leading to financial strain and inequality among students.

Do kids do better in school while wearing school uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no conclusive evidence that wearing school uniforms directly improves academic performance. Factors such as school environment, teaching quality, student engagement, and parental involvement have a more significant impact on a child's academic success. However, uniforms can promote a sense of belonging and equality among students, reducing distractions from fashion trends and social status.

Why are school uniforms not good?

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Asked by Wiki User

School uniforms can be considered restrictive and limit students' expression and individuality. They can also be costly for families who have to buy multiple uniforms. Additionally, uniforms may not necessarily improve discipline or create a positive learning environment; factors such as effective teaching methods and a supportive school culture are more important in this regard.

Why were school uniforms invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

School uniforms were initially introduced to promote a sense of equality among students by minimizing visible differences in socio-economic backgrounds and fashion choices. They were also intended to instill a sense of discipline, reduce distractions, and create a more focused learning environment. Additionally, uniforms can enhance school security by easily identifying students and distinguishing them from outsiders.

What can be a good conclusion for school uniforms?

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In conclusion, school uniforms serve several important functions in educational settings. They promote a sense of unity and equality among students, eliminate distractions related to clothing choices, and help foster a focus on learning. While there may be some drawbacks or limitations to the implementation of school uniforms, the benefits and positive impact they have on the school environment make them a good choice for many schools.

Why you should wear school uniform properly?

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Wearing a school uniform properly is important as it promotes a sense of unity and equality among students. It creates a professional and respectful environment, showing that students take pride in their appearance and are ready to engage in their studies. Additionally, adhering to uniform regulations helps to minimize distractions and maintain focus on learning.

Do St Francis Middle School students have school uniforms?

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First Creek Middle School does have quite an extensive Dress Code, "Eagle Gear", which is designed to enhance the learning environment, and to provide students with an opportunity to dress in a neat and professional manner. It is as follows:

TOPS - Only solid colors -- dark navy blue, black or white only

a. Only solid colored polo shirts may be worn.

b. White long sleeve button down shirts are permissible and must be fully buttoned

at all times. Only the first button at the neck may be unbuttoned.

c. Shirts must have a collar unless the shirt is an approved FCMS Eagle Gear shirt.

d. T-shirts worn under polos/button down shirts may not exceed the length of the

outer garment. T-shirts must be white only with no visible writing/logos.

e. Shirt length must not extend past fingertips.

f. No sleeveless tops or t-shirts.

g. Sweatshirts must be solid navy blue, black or white and must be worn with a

uniform shirt underneath.

h. School issued FCMS Eagle Gear hooded and/or zippered sweatshirts are the

ONLY hooded or zippered sweatshirts permitted provided that the hood is never

pulled up over the head in any way.

i. FCMS Eagle emblems are the ONLY logos/emblems permitted on school

uniforms. No other logos/emblems are acceptable.


Only solid colors -- dark navy blue or black

a. No more than one size larger than the waist.

b. Standard length and hemmed to top of shoe, no dragging on the floor.

c. Must be worn at waist.

d. Belts must be black, navy blue or brown. Belts must fit and cannot be hanging


e. Skirts, shorts, skorts and jumpers must be no shorter than 3 inches above the

knee. No slits in the garments above the knees.

f. No athletic, sporty or cargo pants.

g. Pants must be fitted -- not baggy.

h. No logos/emblems of any kind.

i. A collared white shirt or polo must be worn with a jumper.


a. Athletic or tennis shoes -- predominantly black, navy blue or white.

b. Shoelaces must be black, navy blue or white.

c. All shoes must have closed heels and toes. For safety reasons, no flip flops, pool

shoes, soccer shoes or bedroom slippers may be worn.

d. Socks, nylons or tights (black, navy blue or white) must be worn with all shoes.

e. No heels higher than 2 inches including dress shoes.

f. No "heelies" (shoes with inset wheels in the soles) P.E. UNIFORMS

a. Recommended uniforms may be purchased at First Creek Middle School.

b. Also acceptable: Navy blue, black, white or gray athletic shorts and plain gray or

white T-shirts without logos are acceptable. During cold weather, navy blue,

black, white or gray sweat tops and pants may be worn. No cut-offs.

c. Tennis shoes and white athletic socks.

d. No street clothing. Students must change into P.E. attire to be able to participate.

P.E. attire with the word "P.E." in the logo may only be worn in P.E. classes.


a. Outerwear -- Jackets, coats, polar fleece vests, sweaters and pullovers


b. Oversized, baggy, sagging clothing: bottoms must be worn at the waist, no

dragging on the floor, no rubber bands, hair ties, etc. around the ankles

c. Hats, caps, berets, bandanas, headbands, do-rags, gloves, mittens, headgear,

hairnets, scarves, sunglasses, visors, ties

d. Flip-flops, pool shoes, shower-type shoes, soccer shoes, bedroom slippers,

house shoes

e. Logos/emblems of any kind, other than the official FCMS Eagle logo and lettering

f. DENIM (jeans) or denim-looking material of any color.

g. Stripes on pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers or tops

h. Patches, embroidery, metal studs, etc. on clothing

i. Chains hooked to wallets, belt, keys or spiked accessories/jewelry

j. Torn, frayed, ripped clothing, split hems, holes or cuts

k. Lycra, spandex or nylon material in tops or bottoms

l. Sweatpants, stretch pants, overalls, stirrup pants or nylon parachute pants

m. Sweat bands

n. More than one untucked shirt

o. Clothing that reveals bare torso or undergarments when sitting or standing

p. Tight, revealing clothing, athletic shorts, boxers, tank tops, baby-T's

q. Clothing worn inside out, stapled, taped

r. Articles that advertise alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, vandalism, bigotry, racism,

homophobia, violence, sexual connotations, put-downs, vulgarity, messages with

double meanings

s. P.E. clothing

t. Modification of the dress code is not allowed.

What do school uniforms include?

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Asked by Wiki User

Commonly, school uniforms are comprised of the following garments:


- Khaki pants/shorts

- Polo or golf shirt (Commonly white)

- Sweaters, pullovers and/or vests


- Khaki pants/skirt

- french blouse, golf or polo shirt (Commonly white)

- Sweaters, pullovers and/or vests

Why student need wear school uniform?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because a school uniform keeps everything in order and seperates pupils from unwanted citizens. Also think about it from your own Perspective you don't have to wear all of your own clothes and then have no good clothes for the weekend

Do any American schools have school uniforms that look like Japanese school uniforms?

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Asked by JRanick

Commonly, for the girl's uniform they usually wear "sailor" outfits that are called "seifuku" in Japan in any possible color. Middle School and high school girls in Japan are given to wear two separate uniforms: the winter uniform and the summer uniform- long sleeve uniform and short-sleeve uniform.

For the boy's uniform they have to wear jumpsuits that are usually navy blue. Middle school and high school boys in Japan are also given to wear separate uniforms summer and winter. For summer, Boys wear a white polo shirt and black or navy blue pants.

In elementary, kids in Japan usually or don't have to wear school uniform. But the time their in the third grade, they actually have to. Girls wear the seifuku school uniforms and boys also do, too.

For the shoes, middle and high school students are required to wear two sets of shoes: brown loafers and indoor shoes that are plain white.

That's what students are supposed to wear in Japan!

What is the effects of improper wearing uniform?

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The effects of wearing improper uniform makes the bearer unpleasant... in terms of maritime education, the cadet who is not in proper uniform calls him a "lousy cadet" because of his unpleasant appearance and shows no respect to maritime instructors and/or senior officers.