



This category is for questions about the people who apply the scientific method to solve problems, introduce new concepts, and strive to explain the natural world.

500 Questions

What is a political scientists?

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Asked by Wiki User

A political scientist is a person who devotes their career to studying the government, politics, as well as the policies of the government.

What the division of a ends.?

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Asked by Wiki User

The division of operands results in a quotient and possibly a remainder, depending on the kind of division being performed. It involves distributing a quantity into equal parts or groups, creating a fractional result when not evenly divisible.

What question would you ask a political scientist?

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You could ask, "What are the current political trends and challenges facing [specific country/region]?"

When was Geoffrey Edwards - political scientist - born?

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Geoffrey Edwards, the political scientist, was born on June 3, 1935, and passed away on June 22, 2013. He was known for his work on international relations and European politics.

What are types of political scientists?

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Some common types of political scientists include comparative politics researchers who analyze different political systems, international relations scholars who study interactions between states, political theorists who explore political ideologies and philosophies, and public policy experts who focus on analyzing and shaping government policies.

What do Political scientists use political models to describe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political scientists use political models to describe and analyze the behavior of political actors, institutions, and systems. These models help in understanding power dynamics, decision-making processes, and the impact of policies on society.

What were Nikola Tesla's political views?

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Nikola Tesla was known for his focus on scientific and technological advancements, and there is limited information available about his specific political views. He believed in the power of innovation and the importance of providing access to electricity for all people. Tesla was more dedicated to his work as an inventor and scientist rather than engaging in political activities.

Which political scientist devised four typologies of presidential character?

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James David Barber is the political scientist who devised four typologies of presidential character: active-positive, active-negative, passive-positive, and passive-negative. These typologies characterize how presidents approach their role and exercise power.

What was Alexander Flemings political views?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alexander Fleming's political views are not well-documented, as he was primarily known for his scientific work, particularly for his discovery of penicillin. Any specific political views he may have had are not widely known or significant in the context of his scientific contributions.

What are political scientists interested in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political scientists are interested in studying political behavior, institutions, processes, and systems to understand how power and governance operate in society. They analyze political phenomena like elections, public policy, and international relations to provide insights into political dynamics and decision-making. Their research helps to inform public policy, enhance understanding of political systems, and contribute to the development of democracy.

What nationality was Sir William Herschel?

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Asked by Wiki User

The great astronomer, Sir Wilhelm(William) Herschel (15 November 1738 -- 25 August 1822) was originally German being born in the city of Hanover. He emigrated to Britain when he was 19 and became a British citizen. Therefore, his nationality is British.

I saw the comment of the supervisor of WIKI.ANSWERS.COM and I share his opinion.

And I also agree withn the present author (with improvement and addition).

added more:

Wilhelm...was German (born German), from historical facts 'no doubt'.

But Later Wilhelm became William by his own will and agreed to be British.

He lived in Britain till the day he last breathed.

And he was honored 'SIR" because he was been accepted as Brit.

When does politics emerge according to many political scientists?

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Politics often emerges when individuals or groups have competing interests or goals that need to be addressed through decision-making and governance. Many political scientists believe that politics emerges as a way to manage conflicts and allocate resources within a society.

What do political scientists find?

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Political scientists study the theory and practice of politics, focusing on areas such as government institutions, political behavior, public policy, and political ideologies. They analyze political systems, processes, and behaviors to understand how power is distributed, how decisions are made, and how policies are implemented. Their research helps to inform understanding of political phenomena and guide decision-making in government and society.

What language do scientists all over the world use to communitae their data?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists all over the world primarily use English as the language to communicate their data and research findings. This common language helps ensure that research can be easily shared, collaborated on, and understood by scientists from different countries and backgrounds.

What are political scientists concerned with about people and nations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political scientists study how people and nations make decisions and interact with each other in the political arena. They are concerned with understanding power dynamics, governmental systems, policy-making processes, and how individuals and groups influence political outcomes. Additionally, political scientists analyze how factors such as culture, economics, and ideology shape political behavior and decision-making.

What are the main social cleavages that interest political scientists?

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Political scientists are interested in social cleavages based on factors such as class, ethnicity, race, religion, and gender that divide societies along different lines. These divisions can affect political behavior, electoral outcomes, and policy preferences within a society. By studying these cleavages, political scientists can better understand the dynamics of political systems and societal conflicts.

Why is Aristotle called the father of political science?

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Aristotle is called the father of political science because he was one of the first to study politics systematically and write about it extensively. His works, such as "Politics" and "Nicomachean Ethics," laid the foundation for the study of political theory and governance. His ideas on topics like citizenship, justice, and political systems have had a lasting influence on the field.

What is security studies?

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Security studies is a field that examines the nature of security threats and how they impact states, individuals, and the international system. It focuses on understanding the causes of conflicts, strategies for conflict prevention and resolution, and the role of military and non-military tools in promoting security. Security studies also explores emerging threats such as terrorism, cyber warfare, and environmental degradation.

When was Robert Koch born?

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Robert Koch was born on December 11, 1843.

What high school did Guglielmo Marconi go to?

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Guglielmo Marconi did not attend a traditional high school. Instead, he was homeschooled by private tutors and his mother.

What did Nikola Tesla do for a living?

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Nikola Tesla was an inventor, electrical engineer, and physicist who is best known for his work on alternating current (AC) electrical systems. He held over 300 patents and made significant contributions to the development of various technologies, including electric power generation and transmission. Tesla also conducted pioneering work in the fields of electromagnetism and wireless communication.

What did Nikola Tesla study?

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Tesla completed his elementary education in Croatia. He continued his schooling in the Polytechnic School in Graz and finished at University of Prague. He worked as an electrical engineer in Germany, Hungary and France before emigrating to the United States in 1884.

Where did Alfred Wegener go to college?

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Alfred Wegener attended the University of Berlin in Germany, where he studied astronomy, physics, and meteorology.

Where did guglielmo marconi go to school?

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Guglielmo Marconi attended the Livorno Technical Institute in Italy for his formal education in electrical engineering. However, he was largely self-taught in the field of wireless telegraphy, which would eventually lead to his pioneering work in the development of the radio.

What degrees did Nikola Tesla earn?

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Nikola Tesla earned a bachelor's degree in engineering from the Technical University of Graz and later studied physics and mathematics at the University of Prague without earning a degree. Tesla did not have a formal education up to the doctoral level, but he pursued extensive self-study throughout his career.