



Seasons are the change in the climate which are usually constant over a period of time. This category contains information on all the different seasons.

500 Questions

Which season do you enjoy the most?

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Asked by Rallypants

Spring & Summer, best whether conditions.

How is summer and winter alike?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are both seasons.

Is spring the only season when days are longer and nights shorter?

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No. That's happening continually all through Winter and Spring.

What are Downy flakes in the Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?

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In the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost, Downy flakes refer to the small, soft, fluffy snowflakes falling gently on the ground. The term evokes a sense of tranquility and peacefulness in the winter landscape described in the poem.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening- point of view?

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"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost is written in the first-person point of view. The narrator reflects on the beauty of the winter landscape and his contemplation of stopping to enjoy the serene scene.

Who is the person adressed in stopping by the woods on a snowy evening?

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The person being addressed in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost is the narrator himself. He is reflecting on the beauty and lure of the winter landscape as he pauses during his journey.

What is the mood of the stopping by woods on a snowy evening?

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The mood of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is contemplative and peaceful, as the speaker reflects on the beauty of the winter landscape and the allure of the quiet, snowy woods. There is a sense of serenity and tranquility in the poem.

Do Stylistics analysis of stopping by wood on snowy evening?

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"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost is a poem rich in stylistic elements. The poem is known for its use of rhyme scheme (ABAAB), symbolism in the woods and snow representing death and the struggle of life, and its simple, yet profound language that conveys deep philosophical and existential themes. Frost's use of repetition, vivid imagery, and contemplative tone adds to the overall aesthetic and emotional impact of the poem.

Is stopping by woods on a snowy evening English sonnet?

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"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is not an English sonnet. It is a poem written by Robert Frost in blank verse, consisting of four stanzas with a rhyme scheme of AABA. English sonnets typically have 14 lines and follow a specific rhyme scheme.

When does sunrise begin earlier after the winter solstice?

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Sunrise begins earlier as the Earth continues its orbit around the Sun after the winter solstice. This is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, which causes the days to gradually lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere.

Why do the lengths of daylight and night time vary throughout the year?

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The lengths of daylight and night time vary throughout the year due to the tilt of the Earth's axis and its orbit around the sun. During different times of the year, different parts of the Earth receive more or less direct sunlight, causing variations in the lengths of daylight and night time.

How many degrees below the horizon does the sun go at night on the winter solstice at latitude 57 degrees north?

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On the winter solstice at a latitude of 57 degrees north, the sun will be about 33 degrees below the horizon at night. This is because the tilt of the Earth causes the sun to not rise above a certain angle during the winter months at this latitude.

Why does it stay twilight all night during the summer at far northern latitudes?

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During the summer at far northern latitudes, the angle of the Earth's axis tilts towards the sun, causing the sun to never fully set below the horizon. This phenomenon is known as the midnight sun, and it results in extended periods of twilight where the sky remains illuminated even during nighttime hours.

Why does Seattle's latest sunset occur after the solstice?

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Seattle's latest sunset occurs after the summer solstice because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. During the summer months, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, causing days to be longer and sunsets to occur later. This effect is more pronounced at higher latitudes like Seattle.

Why are there more daylight hours during the summer in any particular hemisphere?

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During the summer months, one hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, causing the sun to be higher in the sky and the days to be longer. This is due to the Earth's axial tilt and its orbit around the sun. The tilt results in more direct sunlight and longer daylight hours during the summer in that hemisphere.

What time is sunset October 15 2010 destin Florida?

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On October 15, 2010 in Destin, Florida, sunset was at approximately 6:16 PM local time.

What is sunset time for October 22?

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The sunset time for October 22 varies depending on your location. You can check the specific sunset time for your location by using a weather website or app, or by checking a local newspaper or almanac.

In the Arctic Circle during winter is it always dark?

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In the Arctic Circle during winter, there are periods of continuous darkness called polar night, when the sun does not rise above the horizon. This darkness can last for several weeks or even months depending on the location within the Arctic Circle.

What is the significance of the Sun setting on June 21ST?

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June 21st is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the longest day of the year. The Sun setting on this day signifies the start of summer and the peak of daylight hours in the year. It is also a culturally significant event in many traditions and celebrations.

Are winter nights darker than summer nights?

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Yes, winter nights are generally darker than summer nights. This is because the Earth's tilt causes longer nights in winter, resulting in more darkness compared to summer nights when the days are longer and nights shorter.

Do seasons affect the sunset?

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Yes, the position of the sun at sunset changes throughout the year due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. In the summer, the sun sets further to the north, while in the winter, it sets further to the south. This difference in the sunset position is more noticeable the further away you are from the equator.

How much shorter is each day after June 21st?

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After June 21st, each day gets progressively shorter until December 21st, which marks the Winter Solstice. The amount of daylight lost each day varies depending on the latitude, but on average, it decreases by a few minutes each day during that period.

How many hours of sunlight does the north pole get at the December solstice?

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At the North Pole during the December solstice, there is 24 hours of darkness. This is because the axial tilt of the Earth causes the North Pole to be tilted away from the sun during this time, preventing sunlight from reaching that region.

How long is it dark in Finland at winter?

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In Finland, during mid-winter in December, the sun sets around 3-4 PM and rises around 9-10 AM, leading to long periods of darkness. In the northernmost parts of Finland, the sun does not rise above the horizon for several weeks, resulting in a period commonly referred to as "polar night."

Why does it get dark at five o'clock in winter?

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In winter, the Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in shorter daylight hours and longer nights. This tilt causes the sun to set earlier, leading to darkness setting in earlier in the evening.