


Sign Language

Sign language is a form of communication used by deaf people. Sign language involves the use of hands, facial expressions and body language to communicate. The first historic mention of sign language dates back to writings by Socrates in the 5th Century BC.

500 Questions

How do you say Hi in sign language?

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a. Hi- make a "5" with your hand, but make sure all your fingers are together. Put your thumb on the side of your forehead and slightly pull away.

i actually use an improve of that i hold index and middle finger together and put those two fingers to my forhead and basically pull them away like a soldier everyone i know uses that as "hi" or "hello"
Hi is merely a wave by the side of the head.

Difference between teaching and training?

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Teaching focuses on imparting knowledge and fostering understanding, while training aims to develop specific skills and capabilities. Teaching is more theoretical and broad-based, while training is typically practical and targeted towards achieving specific learning outcomes or competencies.

What is the sign language for hammock?

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To sign "hammock" in American Sign Language (ASL), make the sign for "bed" by forming both hands into a fist, bringing them close to your shoulders, and moving them downward as if tucking them into bed. Then add a swinging motion with one hand to represent the hammock.

How do you say hello in sign language?

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In American Sign Language, you can say hello by waving your hand open-handed towards the person you are greeting. You can also sign "HELLO" by raising your right hand to your forehead and then moving it away from your face.

What is a Sign Language Interpreter's salary?

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Sign language interpreters' salaries can vary depending on factors like location, experience, and employer. On average, sign language interpreters in the United States earn between $40,000 to $70,000 per year. Specialized fields or certifications may lead to higher earning potential.

Is sign language universal?

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No, sign language is not universal. There are different sign languages used around the world, each with its own grammar and vocabulary. For example, American Sign Language (ASL) is different from British Sign Language (BSL) or Australian Sign Language (Auslan).

What is a mainstream program for the deaf?

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One mainstream program for the deaf is the use of sign language interpreters in educational settings and public events to provide access to communication. This allows deaf individuals to participate in a variety of activities alongside hearing individuals.

How do you say get in sign language?

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There isn't really an ASL sign for it. See the related link for a version of it.

Contextual translations:

"I want to get a book" - "WANT READ BOOK"

"I want to get a chance to buy a business" - "WANT OPPORTUNITY BUY BUSINESS"

"I'll get you back for killing my son!" - "TAKE REVENGE I WILL WHY? KILL MY SON, YOU!"

Good bye in hawaiian?

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it is aloha. it means good bye and also hello

What is the sign language sign for brother?

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You start with the sign for boy which you do by making the hand shape for and while pulling your hand away from your forehead. Then you bring your hand down and cross it with your other arm at the wrists while having both hands in the Lhand position.

How do you say ''April'' in ASL?

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To sign "April" in American Sign Language (ASL), fingerspell the letters A-P-R-I-L. Start with your right hand at shoulder height, palm facing left, and move your hand from right to left while forming each letter with your fingers.

What is the opposite of the spanish word personas?

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The opposite of the Spanish word "personas" would be "cosas," which means "things" in English.

What is the sign for 'humble' using American Sign Language?

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The sign for 'humble' in American Sign Language involves placing one hand over the heart and then lowering it down with a humble expression on the face. This sign conveys the idea of being modest or unassuming.

How do you say 'mystery' in American Sign Language?

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See "ASLPro: Mystery" related link - that is also the sign for odd.

Another way to sign "mystery" is to put a Y on the right side of your chin, and move it to the left side of your chin.

To explain the above signs, you could sign: "MYSTERY MEAN SOMETHING UNDERSTAND NOT-YET WHY? EXPLAIN NOT-YET."

What is lenguage?

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I believe you may be referring to the term "language." Language is a system of communication through speech, writing, or signs that allows humans to convey information, thoughts, and emotions. It is a core aspect of human culture and plays a crucial role in social interaction and learning.

You can't find anything to learn more sign language I can't go to a public library No books about sign language in your school library What do you do?

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You can explore online resources, such as websites, videos, and apps, to learn sign language. Many online platforms offer courses and tutorials for free or for a fee. You may also consider reaching out to local community centers or organizations that offer sign language classes or workshops.

What does dowdy mean?

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Dowdy refers to someone or something that is unfashionable, out-of-date, or lacking style. It can describe clothing, appearance, or overall demeanor that is plain or unattractive.

How do you clap in sign language?

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To clap in sign language, hold both hands up with palms facing each other and then bring them together, making a clapping motion. You can also use a one-handed clapping motion by tapping the back of one hand with the open palm of your other hand.

What is the American Sign Language sign for God?

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Gosh, there's a lot. Off the top of my head I can come up with 3 but there's probably a bunch more.

The reason that there are so many is the communities of deaf signers tend to develop their own religious signs without contact with other deaf groups that may have developed their own sign.

But neither here nor there, the first sign, the one I use most often, is formed from 2 handforms or shapes. I first point with my index finger to a place in space - above me and to my right. Right because I am right handed. This sets in space where God is. Second, when I bring my hand down from pointing above me, my handform changes to a flat hand and I do the sign for honor; pulling my hand palm facing left in front of my nose. This conjoined sign is made in one fluid gesture so as to create a single flowing sign.

The second sign for God is part of the "Royal" sign group. I define a sign group as a group of related words/signs the use the same hand movement but with different handforms or shapes. I have used, from this sign group, the word Lord to refer to God. The sign uses the "L" handshape and traces a sash (like Miss America wears) from my left shoulder to my right hip. If you are left-handed, the movement would be from the right shoulder to the left hip. Note: that this sign can also be used for "Lord of the manor" and as such some do not use it when referring the Lord in heaven.

The third one I use, and I find kids relate to best, plays off of the concept that God is our Father in heaven. I sign the word father - right hand on my forehand fingers spread - and then lift the father sign up or "heavenward". I have also seen this sign done with both hands - left hand doing the original "father" sign touching the forehead and the right hand in the same handform placed fingers spread on the outstreched pinkie of the left hand as though there is a chain of father signs. Then both hands are lifted up or "heavenward".

How much does sign language interpreter make?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sign language interpreters can make varying salaries depending on their location, experience, and type of work they do. On average, they can make anywhere from $20 to $45 per hour. Full-time interpreters can earn an annual salary ranging from $40,000 to $80,000.

Where can you get a French Sign Language book?

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You can find French Sign Language books online through websites like Amazon or specialty bookstores that focus on sign language resources. Libraries or community centers may also have French Sign Language books available for borrowing.

How do you say 'will' in American Sign Language?

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See related link.

The sign also means "future", as in:

"In the future, someone will die" - "FUTURE, SOMEONE DIE"

But if you're looking for the sign for a document executed after death, there may not be a sign. In the absence of such, simply explain it like so: "W-I-L-L MEAN YOU WRITE DOCUMENT, FOR-FOR? GIVE FAMILY YOUR THINGS, MONEY. WHATEVER RECORD DOCUMENT YOU, FAMILY FOLLOW MUST WHEN YOU DIE".

How do you say bottom in sign language?

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This requires contextual accuracy as there is no specific sign for 'bottom'.

For example, to discuss "the bottom of a box", you could show a box, point to the bottom of it, then spell out "bottom".

How would you sign the word leper in sign language?

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To sign the word "leper" in American Sign Language, you would fingerspell L-E-P-E-R using the manual alphabet.

What does this hand signal mean- thumb pointer and pinky are extended while middle two fingers are not extended?

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That is the American Sign Language sign for "I love you." If it is made with the thumb and middle fingers touching at the tips, it is a satanic sign known as the Il Cornuto.

: I believe as a result, was popularized by Gene Simmons of Kiss : : Steve

It means east coast. A lot of the time you will see it in pictures or were ever. If there's an east coast there's a west coast, to show west coast you twist your middle and ring finger and fold you thumb in towards the palm so its flat on the inside of your hand. (: Hope this helped!

I have a personal photograph of myself with me doing that and I'm just now trying to figure out why I posed like this and what does it mean? If any one has any answers to what is hand sign means please post.

: I had the same question, and your question made me realize that I wasn't the only one. But I had some ideas. : First, it means I Love You in sign language: : : and I believe as a result, was popularized by Gene Simmons of Kiss : : Steve