


Social Network Websites

Social networks such as Facebook, MySpace Twitter and LinkedIn allow users to connect and share links, photos and other information online. Ask questions here about social networking.

500 Questions

How do you start the mission again on bin weevils?

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Asked by Wiki User

click on your mission then globinton tower then restart mission

Is there any other website like Sarahah?

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Asked by Meeposf123

Yes, is a newly launched website, which you can say is a alternative of Sarahah or which you can say resembles with Sarahah from some points of view. On BugRep, you can send your message to someone anonymously through an image or an audio. BugRep helps you to enhance your strengths and address your weaknesses. Definitely, these two additional features makes BugRep preferable than Sarahah.

What is URl?

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Asked by Wiki User

URI is an acronym for Universal Resource Identifier.

It is a standard for identifying a resource (site, name, application, etc.) across a computer network (the biggest example being the Internet!)

A fully qualified Internet URI must include a protocol (e.g. HTTP), a server (e.g. wiki), a domain name (e.g. answers) and it's position within the DNS structure (e.g. com)

hence -

This instructs the browser application to use the http protocol suite to communicate with the wiki server which is found in the answers domain of the .com portion of the DNS structure.

URL - Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.

The first part of the address is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to use, and the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes.

Uniform Resource Locator; an address that specifies the location of a file on the Internet (e.g.,

Another example for URL or unifor resource locator is:

Can iask Taylor Swift add Friendster?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can add Taylor Swift as a friendster!!!!! Madison number 1 Taylor Swift fan!!! Yes, you can add Taylor Swift as a friendster!!!!! Madison number 1 Taylor Swift fan!!! Yes, you can add Taylor Swift as a friendster!!!!! Madison number 1 Taylor Swift fan!!!

Should I block my ex on facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blocking your ex on Facebook can be beneficial for your mental health and emotional well-being, especially if seeing their posts or updates is causing you distress. It can also help you move on from the relationship and create a healthy boundary between you and your ex. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will support your healing and closure process.

I can not log into club pogo?

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Asked by Wiki User

I want to cancel POGO because I can't sign in

What is the scope of social networking sites?

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Asked by Wiki User

scope of social networking sites

Can you use fictional hometowns on facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Facebook requires users to provide their real location information, so using fictional hometowns is not allowed. It is important to provide accurate information on your profile to maintain authenticity and credibility.

How do you make a website like Fan Fiction only for kids?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create a website like Fan Fiction for kids, first, ensure the content is appropriate and safe for children. Implement features like content moderation, parental controls, and a reporting system to maintain a child-friendly environment. Consider creating a simple and intuitive user interface to cater to a younger audience.

Does J.K. Rowling have a Twitter account?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, J.K. Rowling has a Twitter account with the handle @jk_rowling.

Does Dakota blue Richards have facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Dakota Blue Richards does have an official Facebook page. You can find her page by searching for her name on Facebook.

Bagaimana cara menulis teks miring di status facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

Untuk menulis teks miring di status Facebook, Anda bisa menggunakan tanda garis miring (/) sebelum dan sesudah teks yang ingin dijadikan miring. Misalnya, "/teks miring/". Hal ini akan membuat teks tersebut tampil miring ketika diposting.

What were the social ramifications of World War 1?

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Asked by Wiki User

World War 1 resulted in significant social changes, including a shift towards more progressive social policies and the empowerment of women through their involvement in the war effort. It also led to increased political consciousness among working-class individuals, which contributed to the rise of socialist ideologies and movements in many countries. Additionally, the war created divisions and tensions within societies, as the trauma and loss experienced by many individuals led to a questioning of traditional values and beliefs.

How do you delete a comment on quotev?

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Asked by Wiki User

To delete a comment on Quotev, go to the comment you want to delete and hover over it. Click on the three dots icon that appears next to it and select the "Delete" option. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

What is the username for tumblebooks?

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Asked by Wiki User

The username for TumbleBooks is typically provided by your school or library, as access is often restricted to students or patrons. You can contact your school or library to inquire about the username for TumbleBooks.

Why won't it let you sign up on quotev?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is because Quotev has blocked your IP Address. But I have no idea how to unblock it. I've tried numerous sites but they didn't work. Hopefully you can find out how to unblock it though! :)

What are social websites for teenagers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular social websites for teenagers include Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter. These platforms allow teenagers to connect with friends, share photos and videos, and discover new trends and content. It is important for teens to use these platforms responsibly and be mindful of their online interactions.

How many followers do Twilight Saga have on facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Twilight Saga Facebook page has over 48 million followers.

How do you delete my membership account off bookrags website?

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Asked by Wiki User

To delete your membership account on Bookrags website, you should contact their customer support or follow the account deletion instructions provided in their terms of service or privacy policy. Typically, you may need to log in to your account and navigate to the account settings section to find the option to delete or deactivate your account.

Why do Facebook and MySpace hate each other?

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Asked by Wiki User

Facebook and MySpace do not have a direct rivalry or hate for each other. However, they are competitors in the social media space, each vying for users and ad revenue. This competition can naturally lead to differences in strategy or approach, but it does not equate to hate.

I sent a facebook friend request to my crush and I'm feeling like i shouldn't have cuzz we have barly talked but i think he does like me so did you ruin your chances with him?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sending a friend request is a normal way to start getting to know someone, so don't worry too much! It's possible that your crush will accept the request and may even start a conversation with you. Just be yourself and take things step by step.

What is the full name of the creator of your Space and Facebook?

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Asked by Wiki User

The full name of the creator of SpaceX is Elon Musk. The full name of the creator of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg.

What does the little moon on Facebook mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The little moon on Facebook signifies that you have activated the "Dark Mode" feature, which changes the background of the app to a darker color scheme. It is an option for users who prefer a darker interface for reduced eye strain or aesthetic purposes.

What does your not eligible to register mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Not eligible to register" typically means that you do not meet the requirements or criteria set by the organization or platform for registration. This could be due to factors such as age restrictions, location limitations, missing information, or not meeting specific qualifications.

What warrior cats roleplay site has the most members?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to determine the exact site with the most members as it can vary frequently based on active users. Some popular warrior cats roleplay sites with large member bases include Warrior Cats Online, FeralFront, and Warrior Cats RPG.