

The Difference Between

Ever wanted to know the difference between a boysenberry and a blueberry? socialism and communism? Windows and Linux? Look no further. This category answers your questions about 'The Differences Between...'

500 Questions

How does an AP course differ from a dual enrollment?

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Dual enrollment is offered to students who are studying in high school, & have completed required courses. They can sign up for college classes taken at the college/online (at no cost to them) vs AP (advanced placement) which is a class offered at the high school, at the end of the course, the students can pay a fee to take a test, if they earn a high score, they will also have earned a college credit. If they do not pay the fee, they still have to take the test, however, if past they will not have earned college credit for it .

What is the difference between the patriarchy and matriarchy?

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The patriarchy refers to a social system in which men hold primary power and dominance in various aspects of society, including politics, economics, and social institutions. In contrast, a matriarchy is a social system where women hold primary power and authority in these domains. While both terms refer to gender-based power structures, they represent opposite ends of the spectrum. It's worth noting that matriarchal societies are rare and have historically been largely speculative or hypothetical.

What are the differences between adjectives in Creole and english?

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One major difference between adjectives in Creole and English is that Creole adjectives do not change their form to agree with the noun they modify. In English, adjectives have different forms depending on whether the noun they modify is singular or plural, or whether it is masculine, feminine, or neuter. Another difference is that Creole adjectives typically come after the noun they modify, whereas in English they usually come before the noun. Additionally, Creole adjectives often do not have comparative or superlative forms, unlike English adjectives.

What is the biggest difference between a government agency and a private organization?

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The biggest difference between a government agency and a private organization is their ownership and control. Government agencies are owned by the government and are guided by public policies and regulations, while private organizations are owned by individuals, shareholders, or other non-government entities and operate with the primary goal of making profits. Additionally, government agencies are typically funded through taxpayer money, whereas private organizations generate revenue from their products or services.

What is the difference between juvenile delinquencey and satus offenders?

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Juvenile delinquency refers to the illegal or criminal behavior committed by young individuals under a certain age. Status offenders, on the other hand, are young individuals who commit acts that would not be considered offenses if performed by an adult, such as truancy, running away from home, or violating curfew. The key distinction is that status offenses are specific to the status of being a minor and are not seen as criminal behavior.

What is the difference between name and forename?

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Name is a general term that refers to a person's full legal name, which may include a first name, middle name, and last name. Forename, on the other hand, specifically refers to a person's first name or given name. It is the name by which a person is commonly addressed and is typically followed by the surname.

What is the difference between apart and a part?

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The word "apart" is an adverb that means separate or not together. It suggests something being divided or separated. On the other hand, "a part" refers to being a component or element of something larger. It indicates being included or involved in a whole.

One of the great differences between human cultural behavior and that of monkeys and apes is that?

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human cultural behavior is much more complex and diverse. Humans have the ability to create and transmit culture through language and symbolic systems, whereas monkeys and apes primarily rely on instinct and simple learned behaviors. Humans also have the capacity for cumulative culture, where knowledge and innovations build upon one another over time.

What is the difference between language and thought?

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Language refers to the system of communication using words, symbols, and grammar, while thought refers to the mental processes and ideas that occur within an individual's mind. While language enables us to express and communicate thoughts, thought can exist independent of language. In other words, language is the tool we use to express and convey our thoughts, while thought is the content of our mental processes.

What are the individual differences in L2 acquisition?

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Individual differences in L2 acquisition refer to the ways in which individuals vary in their ability to acquire a second language. These differences can include age, cognitive abilities, motivation, prior language learning experience, personality traits, and language aptitude. Some individuals may have a natural ability to pick up languages quickly and easily, while others may struggle more and require additional effort and support.

What is the difference between alternate universe and alternate timeline?

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An alternate universe refers to a separate reality or dimension that exists outside of our own, with its own set of rules and characteristics. On the other hand, an alternate timeline refers to a different sequence of events within the same universe, resulting in a deviation from the original timeline. Alternate universes involve entirely different realities, while alternate timelines involve variations within the same reality.

What is the difference between the HSPT and the ISEE?

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The HSPT (High School Placement Test) and the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) are both standardized tests used for admission to private high schools. However, the HSPT is typically used by Catholic schools, while the ISEE is used by a wider range of independent schools. The ISEE has different levels based on the grade the student is entering, while the HSPT is a single test for all grades.

What is the difference between ushers and groomsmen?

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Ushers are responsible for escorting guests to their seats and maintaining order during a wedding ceremony. They typically assist with seating arrangements and distributing programs. Groomsmen, on the other hand, are members of the wedding party who support the groom throughout the wedding day. They may participate in various pre-wedding events and often stand alongside the groom during the ceremony.

What generalization about Australia and the US is valid?

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Both Australia and the US are democratic countries with strong economies and diverse populations. Additionally, they share a similar language, cultural influences, and a history of British colonization. However, it is important to note that both countries are distinct and have their own unique characteristics.

Which disorder is characterized by a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities?

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The disorder characterized by a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities is Alzheimer's disease. It is a neurodegenerative condition that primarily affects memory, thinking, and behavior. As the disease progresses, individuals may experience difficulty with daily tasks, language problems, and changes in mood and personality.

What is the difference between harmful and irritant i dont know that's why i asked it...?

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Harmful substances have the potential to cause serious damage or injury to individuals, such as toxicity or long-term health effects. Irritant substances, on the other hand, may cause temporary discomfort or irritation, but generally do not cause severe harm or long-lasting effects. An irritant can cause redness, itching, or inflammation of the skin, eyes, or respiratory system.

What is the difference between unalienable and inalienable rights?

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Unalienable and inalienable rights basically refer to the same concept: rights that cannot be taken away or transferred. The terms are often used interchangeably and there is no significant difference between them. Both indicate fundamental rights that are inherent to individuals and cannot be infringed upon by others or the government.

What are the differences between listening and understanding?

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Listening refers to the act of physically hearing sounds or words, while understanding involves comprehending and making sense of what is being said or communicated. Listening is a passive process, while understanding requires active engagement and cognitive processing. One can listen without understanding, but understanding cannot occur without effective listening.

Why are boys intelligent then girls?

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Intelligence is not determined by gender. Both boys and girls have equal potential for intelligence and excel in various subjects and fields of study based on their individual strengths and interests. Any perceived differences in intelligence between boys and girls are likely due to various societal and cultural factors, rather than inherent gender differences.

What is the difference between natural and manufactured things?

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Natural things are those that occur in the environment without human interference, such as plants, animals, and rocks. Manufactured things, on the other hand, are produced by humans through a deliberate process, such as buildings, vehicles, and electronics. Natural things exist in their original state, while manufactured things are created or modified by humans for specific purposes.

Can a signature on a USPS certified return receipt be used as a YES vote?

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No, a signature on a USPS certified return receipt cannot be used as a YES vote. Certified return receipts are primarily used to confirm delivery of a mail item, and they do not serve as a voting mechanism. Proper voting procedures should be followed, such as using a ballot or other designated voting method, to cast a vote.

What is the differences between Jamestown successful colony and Roanoke failed?

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One key difference between the successful Jamestown colony and the failed Roanoke colony is their ability to establish and maintain strong connections with the indigenous peoples. The Jamestown settlers were able to forge alliances with some native tribes and establish trade relationships, while the Roanoke settlers failed to establish stable relations and were abandoned by their supply ships. Additionally, Jamestown had a more organized and structured leadership, while Roanoke lacked clear leadership and suffered from internal conflicts.

How can the same act constitute several different crimes?

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The same act can constitute several different crimes based on the specific elements and legal definitions of each crime. Different crimes may require different mental states, intent, or circumstances. For example, two crimes such as assault and battery may stem from the same act of hitting someone, but the charges will vary based on the level of harm caused or the intent behind the act.