

Water Pollution

Water pollution has become one of the largest environmental problems throughout the world. With many countries, both modernized and third world alike, being greatly affected by this problem it is sure to remain a prevalent topic in political and environmental debates for quite some time. Questions about the causes, results, statistics and solutions to water pollution and the problems it causes should be placed here.

500 Questions

How much water in Antarctica gets polluted each year?

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Antarctica has strict regulations in place to prevent pollution, and any pollution that occurs is typically minimal. However, some pollution can still occur due to research activities, waste disposal, and fuel spills. The exact amount of water pollution in Antarctica each year is not readily available, but efforts are continuously made to minimize environmental impact in the region.

How much water is polluted a day?

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The amount of water polluted each day varies greatly depending on location and sources of pollution. However, it is estimated that billions of gallons of water are polluted daily worldwide from sources such as industrial wastewater, agricultural runoff, and sewage discharge.

How many animals die each year from drinking polluted water?

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It is difficult to estimate the exact number of animals that die each year from drinking polluted water. However, pollution in water sources can lead to various health issues and may result in the deaths of numerous aquatic and terrestrial species. Conservation efforts aim to reduce pollution and its impact on wildlife.

What is the percentage of clean water versus polluted water?

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Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, with around 97.5% being saltwater and only 2.5% being fresh water. However, a significant portion of fresh water is polluted due to contamination from various human activities. The exact percentage of clean water versus polluted water can vary depending on location and specific sources of pollution.

What are the effects of air pollution on people?

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Air pollution can have various harmful effects on people, including respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases, and even lung cancer. Long-term exposure to polluted air can lead to a decline in lung function, exacerbate existing health conditions, and increase the risk of premature death. Children, the elderly, and individuals with underlying health conditions are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of air pollution.

What are the negative effects of expulsion from school?

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Expulsion from school can have several negative effects on a student. It can disrupt their education, leading to academic setbacks and difficulties in transitioning to another school. It can also negatively impact their social and emotional well-being, causing feelings of shame, isolation, and discouragement. Additionally, expulsion can limit their future opportunities, as it may make it harder to gain admission to other schools or pursue certain career paths.

What is water pollution and how does it contribute to water scarcity?

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Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies with harmful substances, such as toxins, chemicals, or waste materials, making the water unsafe for human or animal consumption. Water pollution can contribute to water scarcity by reducing the availability of usable freshwater sources. When water bodies become polluted, they may become unfit for drinking or irrigation purposes, leading to a decrease in available water for various uses, ultimately contributing to water scarcity.

What are the pros and cons of bureaucracy?

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Strengths of bureaucracy:

1. A division of labor into spheres of influence 2. A definite hierarchy of official offices 3. Clear norms and rules 4. Selection to office is by technical qualification. 5. Promotion by seniority. 6. Disciplinary control over the incumbent of each office. 7. Better than feudal/traditional forms where people got appointed by favoritism or bribes.

Weaknesses of bureaucracy? 1. Becomes an Iron Cage of Control (as Weber saw it) 2. Red Tape from all the rules and sign offs 3. Hard to change this form 4. Divisions of labor compartmentalize attention and response. 5. Hierarchy can mean silos (e.g. must go up and down chains of command to get things done). 6. Certain irrationalities result.

What are pros and cons of pollution?

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There are no pros of pollution. We are destroying our Earth, does that seem like a pro to you? The cons? We might not live very long and if we do our children may never see the country, forests, plains, rainforests, animals! How would you like that life?

How is the water pollution affecting the sea lions?

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pollution can be in many forms such as air pollution. When the air is affected it creates gobal warming. there for the ice(the seals habitat) starts to melt leaving only water for the poor seals....... the ice provides great breeding grounds go green!!! and try to encourage your freinds to go green.....we can make a difference and help the world become a better place.....:) c ya

Where do we get clean water?

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There are different ways to get clean water,

-The old fashioned way is to boil it (this does not distill it, but does steralize it)

-You could always get a distiller that is easy to install on a tap

-Try Brita water filters, they work pretty well as well.

What are the main causes of pollution of drinking water?

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There is a wide category of substances that can contaminate water.these may be from human sources like urine and feaces.It can be chemicals such as pesticides weedicide insecticides.Others may include organic chemicals like acids ,esters,or wastes from factories.Some may be non biodegradeable substances or heavy metals.

How does pollution affect hammerhead sharks?

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Pollution affects hammerhead sharks in a negative way. Oil spills and fishing nets have greatly affected the sharks, putting them near an endangered species list.

Why does Mexico's water make people sick?

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Mexican water has bacteria that people from other countries do not have immunity against. As a result, the bacteria makes those people sick. Visitors need to build up a tolerance to Mexican bacteria. Probably they should be vaccinated for it before they visit Mexico.

What are the pros and cons of DirectTV?

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Pros and Cons of TelevisionThe Cons: It's too easy to turn it on, sit down with a bag of chips and watch it for hours. (Increases risk of obesity.)

Takes up time better spent broadening your knowledge of contructive things.

Reality television, (need I say more?)

The Pros: It might encourage reading when a show engages you to learn more. There are intellegent shows and channels made for those who want to be mentally stimulated.

What is a greenfield environment?

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Greenfield is a term used for endeavors that does not have any constraints imposed by prior work. The term is derived from construction industry where a new structure is built on a farm land - "green field" - without having the need to demolish/move any existing structures. It is same way in IT too that refers to a fresh implementation and is not bound by existing system constraints.


S. Aakassh

What are 5 ways that you waste water?

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5 ways that people waste water are by flushing the toilet too often (it doesn't mean don't flush it just means if your sibling needs to go let them go then you go and then you can flush!) also when you floss or Q-tip your ear please don't throw it in the toilet and flush it, that is a really big waste. another way is by leaving the water on while brushing your teeth also you waste water by washing the dishes in dishwashers. and if you wash your car on a driveway that wastes water too it is better to wash it on your lawn. another way is by just by using hot water it uses up alot of water and energy (it also gives you cold water if you use up all the hot water which sucks!)

How can a company solve pollution?

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We may not have chance to investigate and report the industry that emit pollution. Current logistic system allow sub-contracting manufacturing overseas. The least we can do is not buying goods from company without ISO certified or one with Carbon emission label etc.

What is the leading cause of water pollution in the US?

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The leading cause of petroleum in north america is the Exclusive Economic Zone.

What are the steps taken by Government of India to prevent pollution?

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The government of India has taken many steps to help prevent pollution in the country. They are phasing out old vehicles, they have mass transit, and all newer vehicles have Catalytic Converters.

Can sea animals die from dirty water?

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Yes , they can die just because of water pollution. water pollution can kill the animals that are living in the water. oil spill is one of important thing that can pollute the waters. when oil spill happens the oil cover the water, so when the oil cover the top of the water the air cannot go in the water so the animals going to die.

What are 4 sources of water pollution?

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Well there are a lot of examples of water pollutants. I am just going to name four of them. These include: wastes, litter, hair products, and burning fuel.

Water can get polluted by people throwing waste in the streams, lakes,and rivers. Another reason waters are polluted is from dirt and food.

What to do to reduce water pollution?

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An abyss of answers can arise to this question. There are many ways we can reduce water pollution. Too list a few: educate and inform the population of the world to what pollution is and how to control and contain any and all spills, demand from our governmental leaders harsher penalties when pollution occurs, petition governments to start enforcing the laws already in place, (laws are not enforced 100 % : i would reason that 1/2 of spills or pollution is not accounted for because of politics, laziness, and a lack of people in the workforce to enforce these laws. These are key reasons why so much pollution is still tolerated.) The US coast Guard does not have enough manpower to have full blown environmental police dedicated to charging people with violations. There is a need for environental police and no one to fill it. When was the last time you heard of anyone getting a ticket for littering, or spilling oil over the side of their boat? I bet you can not name that many. Finally, citizens need to be proactive in reporting all spills even if it is a teapoon of a harmful substance, wheter it is there self or another party involved. The Federal Government requires that the National Response Center (1-800-424-8802) be notified by the responsible party for the release or discharge of any oil, product or hazardous substance. Failure to notify or deliberately discharging can lead to criminal penalties. Or a bystander can call it in. Also note, citizens should petition that a finder's fee with a heavy reward fee be paid to the citizen that reported the spill if it is documented and investigated in accordance with governmental procedureds ( i.e. US Coast Guard procedures should be followed when conducting a spill report to be eligible for the reward ). The citizens should petition for a higher penalty fee to allocate money towards the finder fee for reporting a pollution spill.

What has been done to solve water pollution?

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they have tryed to stop it by companies laying low on products and things like that

How does a sewage treatment plant work?

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the sewage plant works by having a primary treatment that help take out all of the excess oil and trash that goes into it then comes the secondary treatment that they put chloride in it to kill all the bacteria or another way putting it into a zone layer which acts like a dienfactant torwards bacteria and last it might be transffered to the river, lake, or stream and after that it goes to your homes!