

Who Is More Famous

Who is more famous? Here you can find out if Shrek is more famous than Vladimir Putin, or if Mickey Mouse is better known than Michael Jackson.

500 Questions

How is a teapot like a cricket?

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A teapot and a cricket are both cylindrical in shape. However, they serve different functions - a teapot is used to brew and serve tea, while a cricket is an insect known for its chirping sound.

Why Aristotle is more famous than Plato?

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Aristotle is more famous than Plato due to his extensive contributions in various fields such as logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and natural sciences. Additionally, Aristotle's works have had a significant impact on Western philosophy and influenced thinkers throughout history. His systematic approach to knowledge and emphasis on empirical observation also set him apart from Plato.

What Is the term for a informal type of opinion poll?

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The term for an informal type of opinion poll is a "straw poll." It is often used to gauge the opinions or preferences of a group without the scientific rigor of a formal poll.

Why is Pompeii more famous than Herculaneum?

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Pompeii is more famous than Herculaneum because of the scale of its destruction and preservation, as well as its larger size and population. The city of Pompeii was buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash, whereas Herculaneum was covered by mud and lava, leading to differing levels of preservation. Additionally, the stories and artifacts uncovered in Pompeii have captured the public's imagination more than those found in Herculaneum.

What is Bharat radiation?

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There is no specific term "Bharat radiation." It is possible that you are referring to radiation exposure in India or a type of radiation therapy used in India, but without more context it is difficult to provide a precise answer.

What type of data must be handled properly based on classifications?

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Sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, health records, and confidential business data must be handled properly based on classifications to safeguard privacy, prevent data breaches, and ensure regulatory compliance. Proper handling may include encryption, access controls, secure storage, and data retention policies.

What part of pennfoster's student library would would you look for different types of scholarly statistical data?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would look in the database section to access scholarly statistical data in Penn Foster's student library. Libraries often provide access to databases that contain academic journals, articles, and research data for students. These databases are reliable sources of scholarly information for academic research and projects.

Who was more famous in the 60s Malcolm X or John Lewis?

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Malcolm X was more famous in the 60s than John Lewis. Malcolm X was a prominent civil rights activist and a leading figure in the Nation of Islam, while John Lewis was a civil rights activist who gained more national prominence in the 70s and 80s.

Who is more famous Kesha or Lady Gaga?

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Lady Gaga is slightly more famous than Ke$ha. Lady Gaga's hits are more played than Ke$ha.

Why is Homer so famous?

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Homer is famous for being one of the greatest poets of ancient Greece, known for composing epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey. His works are considered foundational texts in Western literature and have had a lasting impact on storytelling and culture. Homer's themes of heroism, honor, and the human experience continue to resonate with audiences worldwide.

What did harry do before becoming famous?

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Before becoming famous as a wizard at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter lived with his abusive relatives, the Dursleys, who mistreated him. He was unaware of his magical abilities and his true heritage as a wizard until he received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts at age 11.

Why is James famous for?

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its a really good selective high school so its famous for many things. But the thing they are best at is competitons including quizes and stuff (as it is really hard to get into the school) they have like the smartest people there ever.

Who is more famous Walt Disney or Harry Potter?

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Walt Disney is more famous than Harry Potter. Disney's extensive influence through his company's films, theme parks, and characters has propelled him to global recognition for decades, while Harry Potter is a popular book and film franchise that gained immense success in the early 2000s.

Who is more famous hamlet or Macbeth?

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Hamlet is generally more famous and widely considered to be Shakespeare's most famous character. Hamlet's soliloquies and complex character have made him an enduring symbol in literature and pop culture. Macbeth is also well-known, but Hamlet's popularity tends to be greater.

Who is more famous jack sparrow or Harry Potter and by how much?

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Harry Potter is more famous than Jack Sparrow by a significant margin. The Harry Potter series has sold over 500 million copies worldwide and has spawned a successful film franchise, theme park, and merchandise. Jack Sparrow, while a popular character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, does not have the same level of global recognition and impact.

Who is more famous Harry Potter or Gandalf?

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Harry Potter is more famous than Gandalf. The Harry Potter series of books and movies has a larger fanbase and global reach compared to Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings series.

Why was anne frank more FAMOUS than the other Jews?

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Anne Frank's diary, documenting her experiences in hiding during the Holocaust, was published after her death and became widely read around the world. Her personal story and reflections on the human spirit in the face of adversity resonated with readers, leading to her fame as a symbol of the millions who perished in the Holocaust.

Is JK Rowling more famous than Selena?

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As of now, JK Rowling is more famous than Selena Gomez. JK Rowling is the author of the wildly popular Harry Potter series, while Selena Gomez is a prominent singer and actress. Their levels of fame may vary depending on individual perspectives and trends.

What famous stories did Homer write?

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Homer is attributed with writing two famous poems: "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey." "The Iliad" tells the story of the Trojan War, focusing on the hero Achilles, while "The Odyssey" follows the adventures of Odysseus as he tries to return home from the war. Both are considered foundational works of Western literature.

Why is Nancy Drew more famous than Hardy Boys?

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Nancy Drew's character resonated more with young readers, as she was seen as a strong and independent female role model at a time when there were fewer portrayals of such characters in literature. The themes and mysteries in Nancy Drew books were also considered more relatable and engaging for readers, contributing to her lasting popularity over the Hardy Boys.

Who is more famous Wonder Woman or Mario?

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probably Mario because i quizzed my class and most of them like Mario better.

However liking isn't the same as famous, and since Wonder Woman has been a household name for a good 50 years before Mario was conceived, most citizens would likely be aware of Wonder Woman. This question depends heavily on generation.

Who is more famous Spider-Man or Wolverine?

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Spider-Man is generally more famous than Wolverine. Spider-Man has been a well-known comic book character for decades and has appeared in numerous movies, TV shows, and merchandise, gaining widespread recognition. Wolverine is also a popular character but may not be as universally recognized as Spider-Man.

Who is more famous Sonic or Garfield?

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Sonic the Hedgehog is generally considered more famous globally than Garfield the cat. Sonic is an iconic video game character developed by Sega, while Garfield is a popular comic strip character created by Jim Davis. Sonic has a larger presence in the gaming industry and continues to be a recognizable figure in popular culture.

What is more famous Incredible Hulk or Captain America?

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Captain America is generally considered more famous than the Incredible Hulk, as he has been a widely recognized superhero for several decades and is a key member of the Avengers. Captain America's symbol and shield are iconic in popular culture, contributing to his enduring popularity.

Who is more famous Pikachu or Garfield?

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Pikachu is more famous than Garfield. Pikachu is a popular and iconic character from the Pokémon franchise, which has a large global following and is recognized by people of all ages. Garfield, while well-known, doesn't have the same level of international recognition and appeal as Pikachu.