

Withdrawal and Rhythm Methods

Withdrawal and rhythm methods are birth-control techniques. Withdrawal method, or pull-out method, is the withdrawal of the penis from the woman’s vagina prior to ejaculation, while rhythm method is based on calendar calculations of woman’s previous menstrual cycle.

500 Questions

What natural methods induce labor?

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One of the few natural ways to stimulate labor that actually works is sexual intercourse. Seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, the same hormonal substances used by doctors to for cervical preparation and stimulation of contractions.

Sexual intercourse should be avoided if the membranes are ruptures (bag of waters has broken) or if there has been a problem with bleeding in pregnancy (placenta previa, etc.). If you are not sure if it is safe, ask your doctor or midwife.

Folk remedies should probably be avoided. Castor oil generally just causes diarrhea and abdominal pain without actually bringing on labor. It can also cause dehydration, which is not good for either other or baby. **Actually, while castor oil causes all of the symptoms above, they have been used by mid-wives for decades and are effective. The castor oil stimulates the intestines to contract which stimulates the uterus to contract as well.**

Packaged herbal supplements are not regulated by any agency, and one never knows what is in them. Sоme have been shown to contain the wrong herbs, dangerous herbs, different concentrations than those listed, and (especially those from China) heavy metal and pesticide contamination.

Other folk remedies/suggestions include walking (not been shown to be effective, but useful as a comfort measure), nipple stimulation (minimal data, generally does not support, but may be helpful), and acupuncture (no data). They're all probably safe alternatives, although not necessarily effective.

When to get pregnant using calendar method?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need training from your doctor, and this method is best used by married couples whose religious beliefs don't allow birth control.

Can you get pregnant if he pulls out on your stomach and you rub it on your vaginal?

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yes ofcourse! there's no assurance that withdrawal method is safe..

Using the pullout method WITH a condomn what are the odds of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unless fresh sperm came in contact with the vagina the chances are 0.001% with condom AND pull out I would say...with just pull out without condom it is possible, with condom it is unlikely unless it broke. All the best!

Calendar method procedure?

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Asked by Wiki User

You first have to understand the menstrual cycle as it applies to your individual circumstances before you can use the "calendar method," and you have to have consistency in the occurrence of each menstrual flow, which is considered Day 1 of the usual 28-day cycle (Note: A woman's menstrual cycle can and occasionally does vary).

Depending on whether or not you want to become pregnant, you also must know when ovulation occurs, typically around 14 days after the start of your period, and that both sperm and ova only have a limited lifetime after entering the female body and ovulation, respectively.

The key to the "calendar method" is knowing how the menstrual cycle works and having consistency in its occurrence. Track your menstrual cycle for a period of several months..and avoid unprotected sex like the plague during this time!! The longer you track your cycle, the better understanding you will have of it in the long run..and the knowledge gained may turn out to be a life saver in the future in the event that a major problem (i.e., cancer) rears its ugly head.

Hope this helps..

What is the probability of you becoming pregnant in the first month of coming off the pill if you were on it for over five years and your partner uses withdrawal as the current birth control?

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Suddenly stopping birth control can cause you to ovulate right away because of the hormone change. Withdrawal is not a viable form of birth control, semen can still be present before ejaculation. So chances could actually be pretty high.

What are the disadvantages of rhythm method?

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There are a number of reasons:

The first is that periods can become irregular and the rhythm of your cycle can change. Also because this method relies on human accuracy there is bound to be error.When estimating the one's rhythm one may not take into consideration factors that will affect it, for example sickness and stress.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period using withdrawal method?

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Yes. Since there is sperm in the precum, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with the pull-out method. "Take Sex with Sue Johansen" says women get pregnant within a year of using this method.

What is the likelihood of pregnancy using the withdrawal method during a teenage girls most fertile time?

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The withdrawal method is probably the least effective way to prevent pregnancy due to control of ejaculation and there is still sperm/semen in pre-ejaculate. When u ovulate is the best time to avoid, this is the middle of the time you are off your period, in a normal cycle around day 13-15, but remember an egg can live for 2 days and sperm for up to 5 days so really avoid 5 days before and after day 13-15!

Can you get pregnant at the start of your period even if he pulls out?

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Asked by Wiki User

I was 40 years old and my husband and I had finally decided to adopt a baby daughter to add to our family of two sons, ages, 4 and 6.

It was September and I wasn't feeling well. My husband joked that maybe I was pregnant. I laughed, too, knowing that it wasn't possible. The next day I took a pregnancy test just in case. I stood in the bathroom, by mouth agape, staring incredulously at the results for at least 15 minutes - my mind was reeling. I counted backwards and forwards, any way I could to account for the "positive" result on the blue strip. We had had sex four days into my cycle. Four days! That means I must have ovulated at day 7 or maybe at the outside day 9.

On Christmas Eve the lab called and said we were expecting the daughter we had thought we would adopt! Sierra was born in May! So, yes, you can definitely get pregnant within seven days of your period! (Especially if you're older when ovulation can fluctuate.)

How do you use calendar method in family planning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sounds it'd be another name for rhythm methods and counting days. It's based on the fact that a woman's fertility varies with where she's at in her menstrual cycle.

In theory, there are "safe" days to have sex when a woman can't get pregnant even if the couple aren't using contraceptives.

In real life however, bodies aren't clockwork perfect, and counting days is notoriously unreliable. Used for a year it's a 20% chance of getting pregnant anyhow.

That's rather poor odds for something as important as having a baby or not.

How do you calculate the calendar rhythm method?

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Asked by Wiki User

It doesn't work... there's an old joke about what you call people who practice the rhythm method, "Mommy and daddy". But if you insist: Find out when the woman ovulates, then only be intimate when you're more than a week away, either before or afterward. But it's almost guaranteed to make you parents. I heard that joke about withdrawal. The rhythm method does work but you have to be very controlled.

What are the common side effects of withdrawal method?

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The biggest side affect is pregnancy.

The withdrawal method really isn't a safe form of contraception as it doesn't protect against pregnancies very well and offers no protection from STD's/STI's. It has around a 73% effectiveness

Spermatozoa isn't just contained within the main ejaculation, it can also harbour itself under the foreskin or near the Cowpers gland, so urinating before sex to flush out sperm isn't always effective.

Withdrawing just before ejaculation isn't very safe at all.

Other side affects include:

* The unsatisfied feeling from sexual intercourse, from having to pull out. * Anxiety associated with having to predict when to pull out * Males mis-estimating their ejaculation * Under the influence of alcohol forgetting about withdrawing

Chances of giving birth with an ectopic pregnancy?

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There is not enough room or environment for the healthy growth and delivery of a baby anywhere outside the womb. The fetus will not be able to develop normally. Most often, as the ectopic embryo starts to grow, it will burst the organ that contains it. While ectopic encompasses any organ outside of the womb, such as the opening of the cervix, etc., this is usually the fallopian tube (also known as a tubal pregnancy). Rupturing of an organ will cause bleeding, severe pain, and even death for the mother.

Is moderate to heavy bleeding normal 5 days after stopping birth control or could I be pregnant?

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Asked by Ksyoung

Well bleeding is normal after stopping your pills. And by the way if you are having your period your not pregnant. It's only when you don't have your period for a while should you think you are pregnant.

Why isn't withdrawal a reliable method of birth control?

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because whether or not a man means to, he let's out a little bit of sperm before ejaculating. he is not aware of when he does this, and it is not really possible to control. because this happens, even if you are very careful about pulling out, there is a higher chance of getting pregnant than if you use other methods of contraceptive. condoms are much more reliable, and very easy to get. also ask your doctor about other kinds of contraceptive, like the pill or shot.

What are the kinds of family planning?

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When you say "family planning," do you mean natural family planning, as in non-hormonal, non-barrier types of contraception? If so, then you will be monitoring your ovulation to avoid sex during that time to avoid pregnancy and then to have sex during that time to increase your chances of getting pregnant: 1. Temperature: You take your basal body temperature each morning with a standard oral thermometer before getting out of bed each day and/or smoking your first cigarette. Ovulation will cause your temperature to rise .4-.8 degrees F, so you will need to write it down each day to know when the spike occurs. 2. Cervical mucus: Each day you will need to reach insider your vagina and examine your cervical mucus. Most days your mucus will be thick and cloudy, but when you are ovulating your mucus will thin out and become stretchy (to help sperm swim). Keep a journal of your daily mucus so you will know when a change has occurred. 3. Cycle Beads: You can buy "cycle beads" which is a sort-of necklace of brown and white beads. The first day of your period is marked with a red bead and you start the "marker," a circular indicator that you will move each day with an arrow on it to remind you which direction to move it, then each day after the first day of your period you will move the marker one bed over. You will move through a series of brown beads, those are the days it is "safe" to have sex. Then you will move into a series of white beads, and these are the days you are most likely to get pregnant. It is imperative that you 1) avoid sexual intercourse if you are trying to avoid pregnancy or 2) use a back-up method like a condom or a diaphragm. Then once you are past the white pills, it is once again safe to have sex as you are past ovulation. 4. Breast feeding: This method works so long as you breast feed around the clock every four hours. You won't know when this method stops working, but it ceases to work when you ovulate for the first time postpartum. General guidelines say this is about 6 months, but since it varies so widely it is very important to not rely on this method to avoid another pregnancy. 5. Pee-on-a-Stick Ovulation Kits: These work similar to a pregnancy test where you pee on a stick. The stick measure the level of your LH, luteinizing hormone. Although LH is always present in your urine, it spikes during ovulation. If the stick comes back with a positive signal in the window, you'll know you should either have sex then to get pregnant or avoid it at all costs to avoid pregnancy. 6. Calendar method: Check this one out on It wants you to put your shortest cycle length and your longest cycle length into a simple addition/subtraction type equation. Then from this number you will know what days during your cycle to avoid having sex. If you're serious about using natural family planning as your method of contraception, it's imperative your partner is as committed to it as you are. It's also a good idea to use multiple strategies to reduce/increase the effectiveness as desire. Good luck!

What are the disadvantages of withdrawal method?

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It takes a tremendous amount of restraint and control on the guys part. He has to know that he is about to ejaculate and stop to pull out, no matter how pleasurable the moment is. Also, this method has no effect on the pre-cum, which can contain sperm as well as the actual ejaculation.

Why did your perfect 28 days cycle change to a 25 days cycle which are the safe days then you are 38yrs old?

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I used to have a 28 days perfect cycle, but when I started to take folic acid supplements, the folate tablets, my cycle went to 38/39 days. For the first time I thought I was preg, and spread the news then it was a cruel joke!

Now it is always hard to say if I am preg, I am ttc :(

What is withdrawal methods in family planning?

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The chances of a woman conceiving after using the pull out method are around 4% if done correctly. If done incorrectly and the man does not pull out before he starts to ejaculate (cum), then that risk is significantly higher. Pre-ejaculate ("Pre-cum") contains a very small amount of sperm, and is unlikely to be dangerous, especially if the man has urinated since the last time he had an ejaculation. Planned Parenthood has all the details you need to decrease your chances of getting pregnant through using the pull out method.

To decrease your chance of pregnancy it is highly recommended that an additional form of birth control be used, such as the pill, as well as the man being experienced enough to know when he is going to ejaculate, and have enough control to be able to pull out.

What are the chances of becoming pregnant if he used withdrawal method and did not enter all the way Not near ovulation?

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Asked by Dancerxmonkey

Failure rates for coitus interuptus, although somewhat difficult to ascertain, are thought to be as high as 25%. The problem is that pre-seminal fluid (pre cum) leaks from the penis prior to ejaculation. Even a small amount of pre-seminal fluid contain live sperm.

With no egg present, chances of pregnancy are 0. Though sperm do live in the human female for an estimated 3 days.

How long does marijuana withdrawl last?

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Marijuana withdrawal differs from person to person and depends much on the psychological dependence of the person. Like quitting nicotine, the first day is relatively undifficult, but the withdrawal symptoms generally peak around the 3rd day and then decline from there. Physically, the THC stays in a person's fat cells for several months, although withdrawal symptoms should have long faded by then.

Are the risks of pregnancy high if the withdrawal method was used during your period?

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Even if withdrawal wasn't used, the chances of a woman getting pregnant from sex on her period is about 2% or less (provided it is period blood and not ovulation spotting). So no, chances are not high.

The withdrawl method really doesn't do anything to prevent pregnancy. But most women can't get pregnant during their period. Always use a condom or another form of birht control. The withdrawl method is not a safe choice.

The risks are always there when you are having unprotected sex.

Sex While Menstruating

You can still get pregnant if you have sex while you have your period. Many people believe that if you're bleeding, the sperm will wash out of you, or that there is no egg present.

Sperm are strong swimmers, and can go against the flow of blood from a woman's body. Plus, the egg may be lingering in the uterus, and can attach if impregnated during menstruation.

Stick to your regular birth control routine during your period.

Pulling out or Withdrawal

A guy might say he won't come inside you, and he may mean it. But, even if he does pullout before coming you can still get pregnant. If any come or pre-come gets into your vagina, the sperm in that fluid can swim all the way to the fallopian tubes.

Pre-come is the drop of fluid that often leaves the penis before the man actually comes. Biologically, it's a guy's natural lubrication. Sperm (and possibly the HIV virus) may be in that lube.

This method DOES NOT work to prevent pregnancy or STI transmission.