-183 / 1000, or -183 divided by 1000.
With basic knowledge of decimals and how the concept works, this is pretty simple.
The ISBN of Pages from the Mages is 0-7867-0183-7.
The address of the Kalida Branch is: 301 North 3Rd Street, Kalida, 45853 0183
The phone number of the Centralia Timberland Library is: 360-736-0183.
The address of the Meeteetse Museums is: Po Box 183, Meeteetse, WY 82433-0183
The phone number of the Spiva Center For The Arts is: 417-623-0183.
The address of the Joice Public Library is: 201 Main St, Joice, 50446 0183
The address of the Henry Public Library is: 702 Front Street, Henry, 61537 0183
Hold down the alt key while entering 0183 and then release the alt key
There is no website. Call 1-877-315-0183 to check your balance.
S.s.tower,plot no.59,shop no-4,opp.e.n.t.hospital,majitha road,amritsar-143001,punjab. 0183-3988505, 3067790
The address of the Fulda Heritage Society is: Po Box 183, Fulda, MN 56131-0183