Contact the institute concerned.
the no of student are about 4 lakhs so thgats why the result will talke timev abotu 6 or 8 months....
The result announcement date for the ninth class exams conducted by the Karachi Board in 2009 will vary each year. Students are advised to regularly check the official website of the Karachi Board or contact their respective schools for the most up-to-date information on result announcements.
Closely held corporation is referred to a company whose shareholders are of a limited number. Its stock is traded on occasion but not on a regular basis.
I heard a student can get held back once but i don't know.
hello sir, i want to know my result my number is 1202053267
At the temple of Zeus, in whose honour they were held, at Olympia in Elis, southern Greece.
I dont know
What must be held constant among the bonds whose interest rates are shown on yield curve
please tell me the result of clerk which was held on february 2008, i am from jammu and kashmir, my centre is in jammu and i do not know the result yet whether it is or not published. please tell me the result of clerk which was held on february 2008, i am from jammu and kashmir, my centre is in jammu and i do not know the result yet whether it is or not published. please tell me the result of clerk which was held on february 2008, i am from jammu and kashmir, my centre is in jammu and i do not know the result yet whether it is or not published. please tell me the result of clerk which was held on february 2008, i am from jammu and kashmir, my centre is in jammu and i do not know the result yet whether it is or not published.
tell the result of roll no 7705048524