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Q: .5 belongs to what family of real numbers?
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5 4 7 belongs to what family of real numbers?

Positive numbers

The real number -5 belongs to which set of numbers?

-5 to a set number is -5

Where do you use real numbers?

Real Numbers are used everywhere! -My family has (3) cars. -We lost 5 kids. (-5)

name all sets of 12 to which each real numbers belongs?


What set of numbers does -5 belongs?

Prime and odd numbers

Which subset of the real numbers contains the square root of 5?

To any set that contains it! It belongs to {sqrt(5)}, or {45, sqrt(2), pi, -3/7, sqrt(5)}, or irrational numbers, or real numbers between -3 and 3 etc.

What are all the sets that -3.15 belongs to?

To any set that contains it! It belongs to {-3.15}, or {-3.15, sqrt(2), pi, -3/7}, or all numbers between -4 and +5, or negative numbers, or rational numbers, or real numbers, or complex numbers, etc.

What subset of the real number system does -5 belong in?

To any set that contains it! It belongs to {-5}, or {45, sqrt(2), -5, pi, -3/7}, or all whole numbers between -43 and 53, or multiples of 5, or integers, or rational numbers, or real numbers, etc.

To which set of numbers does the number -12 belong?

It belongs to any set that contains it: for example, {4.75, -12, pi, sqrt(5), 29}. It belongs to the set of integers which is a proper subset of rational numbers which is a proper subset of real numbers which is a proper subset of complex numbers. So -12 belongs to all the above sets.

What number set contains the number -5?

To any set that contains it! It belongs to {-5}, or {-5, sqrt(2), pi, -3/7}, or all whole numbers between -43 and 53, or multiples of 5, or negative integers, or rational numbers, or real numbers, or complex numbers, etc.

Element Nitrogen belongs to what family?

Nitrogen belongs to Group 5 or Pnictogens

What set of numbers does 5 belong in?

5 belongs in the sets: -Natural number set, positive whole numbers -Integer number set, whole numbers -Rational number set, numbers that are not never ending -Real number set, basic numbers without i and that can be expressed in say amounts of apples -Complex number set, the set that contains both real and unreal numbers