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-5 to a set number is -5

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Q: The real number -5 belongs to which set of numbers?
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Rational numbers and Real numbers

What is the set of numbers to witch 1.51 belongs?

It is a rational and real number.

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-29 is an element of the real number system. That is to say, it belongs to the set of real numbers.

What number categories does -3.75?

Negative rational numbers; Negative real numbers; Rational numbers; Real numbers. The number also belongs to the set of complex numbers, quaternions and supersets.

Name the sets of numbers to which negative 10 belongs?

Of the "standard sets" -10 belongs to: ℤ⁻ (the negative integers) ℤ (the integers) ℚ⁻ (the negative rational numbers) ℚ (the rational numbers) ℝ⁻ (the negative real numbers) ℝ (the real numbers) ℂ (the complex numbers) (as ℤ ⊂ ℚ ⊂ ℝ ⊂ ℂ). Other sets are possible, eg the even numbers.

What set of numbers does -2 belong to?

-2 belongs in the sets: -Integer number set, whole numbers -Rational number set, numbers that are not never ending -Real number set, basic numbers without i and that can be expressed in say amounts of apples -Complex number set, the set that contains both real and unreal numbers

Which set of numbers does 9 belong to?

9 belongs in the sets: -Natural number set, positive whole numbers -Integer number set, whole numbers -Rational number set, numbers that are not never ending -Real number set, basic numbers without i and that can be expressed in say amounts of apples -Complex number set, the set that contains both real and unreal numbers

Which set of numbers does -17 belong to?

It belongs to any set that has -17 amongst its members.Given that this is schoolwork, the answer teacher probably wants is: the set of integers.It also belongs to the set of rational numbers, the set of negative integers, the set of real numbers, the set of complex numbers, the set {43.2, 98, -17, pi} and an infinite number of others.It belongs to the set of complex numbers in spite of having no 'imaginary' part. Real numbers are just special cases of complex number in which the imaginary part happens to be zero. Rational numbers are special cases of real numbers. Integers are special cases of rational numbers.

Which number belongs to the set of complex numbers?

Lots of numbers do. To begin, all real numbers do. Multiples of sqrt(-1), aka. imaginary numbers, do. The Complex Numbers are all numbers which are the sum of a real number and an imaginary number.

Which number belongs to the set of imaginary numbers 2?

2 does belong to the set of imaginary numbers. Any real number is also imaginary. Imaginary numbers are the set of all numbers that can be expressed as a +b*i where "i" is the square root of negative one and "a" and "b" are both real numbers.

What subsets of the real numbers does the number 25.6 belong?

It belongs to the interval (25, 27.3), or [-20.9, 10*pi], and infinitely more such intervals.It also belongs to the set of rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers and quaternions.

What set of numbers does 5 belong in?

5 belongs in the sets: -Natural number set, positive whole numbers -Integer number set, whole numbers -Rational number set, numbers that are not never ending -Real number set, basic numbers without i and that can be expressed in say amounts of apples -Complex number set, the set that contains both real and unreal numbers