That is 423.288 ounces.
There are approximately 33.8 ounces in 1 liter. Therefore, there are approximately 2.82 12-ounce servings in 1 liter.
405.76 oz
12 ounces of water is approximately 24 tablespoons
12 ounces is 0.340 of a Kg.
1 liter is equivalent to approximately 33.8 fluid ounces.
12 US fluid ounces is equal to about 35.5cL
12 liters is 405.768 fl oz
12 pounds 9 ounces is equal to 201 ounces.
Approximately 12 ounces equal 355 ml.
One liter is equal to 33.8140565 fluid ounces. 2.2 liters is equal to 74.391 fluid ounces. Therefore 2.2 liters would yield 6.19925 twelve ounce cups.
If you mean 1/2 of a liter, the answer is approximately 16.9 fluid ounces.