21 out of 29 = 21/29, 0.7241 or 72.41%
Expressed as a percentage, 21/29 x 100 = 72.4137931034482758620689655172 recurring (that is, 72.41379310344827586206896551724137931034482758620689655172...) percent. Rounded to two decimal places, this is equal to 72.41 percent.
21/29 = 72.4% (rounded)
0.29% 29 percent of 1 percent:= 29% of 1%= 29% * 1%= 0.29 * 1%= 0.29%
29 + 50 + 21 = (29 + 50) + 21 = 79 + 21 = 100 or 29 + 50 + 21 = 29 + (50 + 71) = 29 + 71 = 100
(7 percent of 21) - (4 percent of 21) = 0.63
29/100 (percent=per cent. or per hundred, so 29 percent is 29 per 100)29/100
0.1 percent of 29 = 0.0290.1% of 29= 0.1% * 29= 0.001 * 29= 0.029
21 percent is 21% or 21/100.
? + 29 = 50 The way to find '?' is to take the 29 from 50. 50 - 29 = 21 ? = 21 21 is the answer.
Need no in question 29 would be 29 percent if that number were 100