1 and a third
14,505.48 ft2
6 knots
well, you see 3 feet equals 1 yard. So 2 and one over a third equals 7 yards.
16m equals how many feet?
Sureley you jest: 1/3 of a yard equals 1 foot, because three feet equals one yard. (Therefore 5 yards equals 15 feet + 1/3rd of a yard which equals 1 foot will equal 16 feet because 15 feet plus one foot equals 16 feet,)
3 feet = 1 yard
121440 feet equals how many miles?
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 2 and one thirds yards is equal to 7/3 x 3 = 7 feet.
2 and 1 third, since twelve goes into 28 twice, leaving four, which is one third of twelve. :) Azns rule!
How many inches in one gaj
30 * 3.28 equals about 98.4 feet.