53 is a prime number whereas 74 is a composite number
Number of neutrons = Mass number - Number of protons = 127 - 53 = 74
74 percent of 53 is 39.22
The stable isotope of Iodine is 127 atomic weight and atomic number 53. So it has 53 protons and thus also 53 electrons (to balance the positive charge of the protons) . It has 127-53 = 74 neutrons.
An isotope of iodine with 74 neutrons would have a mass number of 53 +74 = 127. Therefore its symbol would be I -127 or 127 C 53. 127 and 53 should be written as superscript and subscript respectively before writing the chemical symbol of iodine when using the later (127 C 53).Ê 53 is the atomic number of iodine.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ
There are varying isotopes of iodine, but typically an iodine atom has 74 neutrons.
127 - 53 = 74
Refer to the Periodic Table. Iodine has atomic Number of 53. This tells us that there are 53 protons in the nucleus. I-127 is the Atomic Mass. The figure is the total of all the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. So the total number of neutrons will be 127 - 53 = 74 neutrons.
Just multiply with .74 or divide by 100 and than multiply with 74.
Iodine has 53 protons and the only stable isotope has 74 neutrons.
This question is incomplete. One cannot say how many neutrons an atom of iodine has unless one also specifies which isotope of iodine one is referring to. Since the atomic number of iodine is 53, that means that there are 53 electrons and 53 protons in the neutral atom.