


Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The two answers are -9 and +9.

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Use your calculator to calculate the square root of 81. Or use trial-and-error, to see which number, when multiplied by itself, gives you 81. (Hint: In this case, it is an integer.)

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1.25 grains in 81 milligrams. There are 0.0154324 grains per milligram. Multiply that by 81 gives 1.25.

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Consider the unit's digit when you multiply 9 n times. n = 1 gives 9 n = 2 gives 1 n = 3 gives 9 n = 4 gives 1 and a pattern emerges. When n is even, as 100 is, the answer is 1.

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The formula for converting from Fahrenheit to celsius is as follows: C = (F-32) x5/9 So in this case it would be: 1. 113-32 which gives 81 2. 81 x 5 gives 405 3. 405 / 9 gives 45 So the answer is 45 degrees Celsius

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