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The other day does not come from anywhere. There is slightly more than 52 weeks in a year.

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Q: 7x52 is 364 where does the other day come from?
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7 days in a week 52 weeks in a year 7 X 52 is 364 where does the other day come from?

It does not 'come' from anywhere. There are not exactly 52 weeks in a year

How many days are there in 364 hours?

If we approximate a day to 24 hours then 364 hours = 364/24 = 15 1/6 days.

How can you use division to determine what day of the week Halloween was on in 2004 if Halloween of 2003 was on a Friday?

In general, if Halloween were on Friday last year then it would be on a Saturday this year. However since there is a February 29th in between, it jumps two days ahead, so it would be on a Sunday.The way you would use division to determine this is by recognizing that 365=(52x7)+1. Since every week is 7 days, you know that if Halloween was on a Friday, then seven days later it will be Friday again, and seven days after that it will be Friday, etc. So, after 364=7x52 days, it will be Friday and the 365th day will be Saturday. This is why, in general, Halloween would be one day later. Since, however, 2004 is a leap year, the year is 366=(7x52)+2 days long, so in this case it would actually be on Sunday. Check out modular arithmetic to see a more general presentation of this issue.


A single, ordinary day out of the other 364 days of the year. It takes 100 May 27s to make a century. That good? ;)

What day is 364 2011?

December 30, 2011. It was a Friday.

Current 364 day treasury bill rate?


Why is 52wksX7days 364 not 365?

52 x 7 is 364. A year is 52 weeks and 1 day. That is how long, to the nearest day, it takes the Earth to go around the Sun. It is about 365.25 days to be more accurate.

In a non leap year why do New Year's Day and eve fall on the same day?

Because 364 is a multiple of 7. There are 7 days in a week. 52 x 7 = 364. The next day after a multiple of 7 will fall on the same day of the week as day 1. So the 365th day will fall on the same weekday as the 1st day.

Is there an 'only child' day?

Everyday is only child day. Another day of listening to the ups and downs of every single person you know will brothers and sisters that they "hate" and love so much. So they can have one day, we get 364 other days to celebrate us!

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Gophers are diurnal, in other words they come out to feed during the day and sleep in their burrows at night.

What time of day do snow hairs come out?

they come out sometimes at night to hunt for leaves and plants but thats bout it every other time it will be in the day

Do leprechauns come on st.patricks day?

=You can see them at anytime of the day if your drunk!:)=