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Q: 9999 5555 3333 1111 from these digits select any 6 digits in such a way that sum of that digit is equal to 21?
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Convert the following number to binary B2Fh?

That looks like hexadecimal. Convert each hex digit to 4 binary digits: B = 1011, 2 = 0010, F = 1111, so the final result is 1011 0010 1111.That looks like hexadecimal. Convert each hex digit to 4 binary digits: B = 1011, 2 = 0010, F = 1111, so the final result is 1011 0010 1111.That looks like hexadecimal. Convert each hex digit to 4 binary digits: B = 1011, 2 = 0010, F = 1111, so the final result is 1011 0010 1111.That looks like hexadecimal. Convert each hex digit to 4 binary digits: B = 1011, 2 = 0010, F = 1111, so the final result is 1011 0010 1111.

Why can't 1111 be used in a BCD number?

1111 can't be used for Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) because 1111=15 which is made of 2 digits 1 and 5. In BCD a 4-digit binary number is used for every decimal digit. ex. 1111 is incorrect 1 = 0001 5 = 0101 Answer: 0001 0101

How many four digit numbers are made of odd number?

If you're asking for 4 digit numbers where all four digits are odd, then the lowest number possible is 1111, and the highest is 9999. You only have 5 digits to work with. The answer is: 54 - 53 = 625 - 125 = 500.Subtract the 5 cubed for the numbers less than 1111, which are not four digits.

How many 4 digit numbers can be made using digits 1 5 9?

9915 1159 5555 9999 1111

What is the least possible four digit number using all the digits repeated?

1111, unless you allow negative number. In that case, the answer is -9999.

What is the binary number 1111 in decimal?

The binary number 1111 is 15. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a four digit number in binary, the digit places represent 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 1111 = 8+4+2+1 = 15

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How many 4 digits can be made using 124?

81 The first digit can be any one of 3 (1, 2 or 4), The second digit can be any one of 3, The third digit can be any one of 3, The fourth digit can be any one of 3. So, in all, 3*3*3*3 = 81 This includes 4 digit numbers that do not include all the three given digits, eg 1111.

How many 4 digit numbers can you write using only the digits 2 and 5?

With each digit having only 2 possibilities, the answer is 2 to the 4th power, which is 16. The 4 is because there are 4 digits. Think about the binary numbers 0000 to 1111, there are 2 possibilities for each digit. If your constraint is that the digits must have at least one 2 and at least one 5, then eliminate the two combinations 2222 and 5555, and that answer would be 14.

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