

9 min secs

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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If your question is how many seconds in 9 minutes the answer is 540.

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16 year old 400 time?

probably between 40-50 secs. for a boy and 50-120 for a girl. it varies for different people. I'm a girl and i ran the 400 last year and my fastet time was between 1 min. 7 secs.-1 min. 9 secs.

How long will it take you to run a mile at 6.5 miles a hour?

1 hour = 60 mins 1 min = 60 secs time = distance ÷ speed = 1 mile ÷ 6.5 mph = 2/13 hour = 2/13 x 60 mins = 93/13 mins = 9 mins 3/13 x 60 secs = 9 mins 1311/13 secs ≈ 9 mins 14 secs ≈ 9.25 mins

How many seconds does it take to drive 18 miles at 40 miles per hour?

1620 seconds 1 min = 60 secs 1 hour = 60 mins = 60 x 60 secs = 3600 secs time = distance ÷ speed = 18 miles ÷ 40 mph = 9/20 hour = 9/20 x 3600 seconds = 1620 seconds

How many hours or days can you spent on the flight from Johannesburg to New York?

22 hours 9 mins 43 secs 31 mili secs

What Add 9 minutes 14 seconds add 37 minutes 10 seconds add 45 seconds?

Add the seconds first. 45+14+10 is 69 seconds, i.e. 1 min 9 secs. Mins = 9+37 (+1 from the seconds) is 47 mins. So total 47 mins 9 seconds

How do you multiply minutes and seconds by a number eg 3min 45secs x 3?

I can do it in many ways:Multiply the minutes and seconds separately, then correct for 60 secs = 1 min3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 9 mins 135 secs but 60 secs = 1 min, so 135 secs = 2 mins 15 secsSo 9 mins 135 secs = 9 mins 2 mins 15 secs = 11 mins 15 secs.⇒ 3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 11 mins 15 secsWork in seconds and convert back at the end3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 225 secs x 3 = 675 secs= 11 mins 15 secsConvert the seconds to a decimal of a minute, work it out and convert back at the end3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 3.75 mins x 3 = 11.25 mins= 11 mins 15 secsI am actually more likely to work with fractions as opposed to decimals as decimals can lead to inaccuracies3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 33/4 mins x 3 = 15/4 mins x 3= 45/4 mins= 111/4 mins= 11 mins 15 secsWork with the mins and seconds directly using sexagesimal (base 60) numbersTo avoid having to invent 50 new symbols for the numbers 10-59, I use the decimal numbers, but separate the sexagesimal "digits" by colons - like a digital clock. 3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 3:45 x 345 x 3 = 15 carry 23 x 3 + carry = 9 + 2 = 11⇒ 3:45 x 3 = 11:15⇒ 3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 11 mins 15 secs.

How long does it take for mercury to reach the sun?

Mercury is about 57,500,000 kilometers (36,000,000 miles (36 million miles)) from the Sun, Earth is about 152,000,000 (93,000,000 miles (93 million miles)) - a little less than 3x farther away. Since it takes about 9 minutes for light to get to Earth from the Sun, it stands to reason it would take about 3 minutes to get to Mercury from the Sun.Light to Earth152,000,000,km/300,000km/s ~ 506 secs, 506secs x 1 min/60 secs ~ 8.5 mins(93,000,000 miles/ 186,292 miles per second ~ 499 seconds, 499 seconds x 1 min/60 seconds ~ 8.3 mins, )Light to Mercury57,500,000 kilometers/300,000km/sec ~ 192 sec, 192 sec x 1 min/60 secs ~3.2 mins(36,000,000 miles/186,292miles/sec ~ 193 sec, 193 sec x 1 min/60 secs ~ 3.2 mins)

What is 25 min to 9?

It is 35 min past 8.

How do you find the average of 9 hours 35 min?

Divide "9 hours 35 min" by 1.

What is 25 min past 9?

It is 35 min to 10.

What does 32 min 9 sec plus 40 min 10 sec equals?

32 min 9 sec 40 min 10 sec adding gives... 71 min 19 sec 1 hr 11 min 19 sec. ■

How long to travel from the sun to Mercury?

Mercury is about 57,500,000 kilometers (36,000,000 miles (36 million miles)) from the Sun, Earth is about 152,000,000 (93,000,000 miles (93 million miles)) - a little less than 3x farther away. Since it takes about 9 minutes for light to get to Earth from the Sun, it stands to reason it would take about 3 minutes to get to Mercury from the Sun.Light to Earth152,000,000,km/300,000km/s ~ 506 secs, 506secs x 1 min/60 secs ~ 8.5 mins(93,000,000 miles/ 186,292 miles per second ~ 499 seconds, 499 seconds x 1 min/60 seconds ~ 8.3 mins, )Light to Mercury57,500,000 kilometers/300,000km/sec ~ 192 sec, 192 sec x 1 min/60 secs ~3.2 mins(36,000,000 miles/186,292miles/sec ~ 193 sec, 193 sec x 1 min/60 secs ~ 3.2 mins)