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I can do it in many ways:

  • Multiply the minutes and seconds separately, then correct for 60 secs = 1 min
3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 9 mins 135 secs

but 60 secs = 1 min, so 135 secs = 2 mins 15 secs

So 9 mins 135 secs = 9 mins 2 mins 15 secs = 11 mins 15 secs.

⇒ 3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 11 mins 15 secs

  • Work in seconds and convert back at the end
3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 225 secs x 3

= 675 secs

= 11 mins 15 secs

  • Convert the seconds to a decimal of a minute, work it out and convert back at the end
3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 3.75 mins x 3

= 11.25 mins

= 11 mins 15 secs

  • I am actually more likely to work with fractions as opposed to decimals as decimals can lead to inaccuracies
3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 33/4 mins x 3

= 15/4 mins x 3

= 45/4 mins

= 111/4 mins

= 11 mins 15 secs

  • Work with the mins and seconds directly using sexagesimal (base 60) numbers
To avoid having to invent 50 new symbols for the numbers 10-59, I use the decimal numbers, but separate the sexagesimal "digits" by colons - like a digital clock.

3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 3:45 x 3

45 x 3 = 15 carry 2

3 x 3 + carry = 9 + 2 = 11

⇒ 3:45 x 3 = 11:15

⇒ 3 mins 45 secs x 3 = 11 mins 15 secs.

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There are 60 minutes in one hour, so multiply by 60 to get minutesThere are 60 seconds in one minute, so 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds ni one hour, so multiply by 3600 to get seconds.If you have a number of hours which has a whole number and a decimal part:keep the whole number of hours and multiply the fractional part by 60 to get the number of minutes;keep the whole number of minutes and multiply the fraction of minutes by 60 to get 5.338 hours = 5 hours and 0.338 x 60 = 20.28 minutes20.28 minutes = 20 minutes and 0.28 x 60 = 16.8 secondsSo 5.338 hours = 5 hours, 20 minutes, 16.8 seconds.

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To change minutes to seconds multiply the number of minutes by 60.

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How do you calculate how many seconds are in 24 hours?

To calculate how many seconds in 24 hours, multiply the number of hours by 60 and multiply that number again by 60.