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Any regular polygon has this property, as does any rectangle.

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Q: A Figure with all of its interior angles congruent?
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What is a polygon with all interior angles congruent?

A polygon with all interior angles congruent Is known as a regular polygon.

Are all interior angles congruent?

Generally not.

Are all alternate interior angles congruent?

Sometimes they are.

Which one is incorrect for two triangles to be congruent?

If two angles are equal in measurement then they are congruent as for example the interior angles of a square are congruent because they are all right angles.

What is a figure that has a polygon in which all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent?

It is a regular polygon

Is a square a solid figure with all congruent faces?

A square is not a solid figure at all. It's a flat figure, with four congruent faces and four congruent angles.

How can you classify a rhombus with 4 congruent angles?

A rhombus with 4 congruent angles is a rectangular rhombus having interior angles that are all right angles (90°) and therefore it is a square.

How do you decide a figure is congruent?

If all the sides and all the angles are the same and in the same order, the shapes are congruent.

What is a four sided figure with all angles congruent?

A rectangle.

What standards does a congruent figure have to meet to be a congruent figure?

All interior angle measures and side lengths of one figure must be the same for the other figure.

A polygon with all congruent sides is a?

A polygon with all sides congruent is a square.

Are the interior angles of a parallelogram always all congruent?

Only if it is a rectangle otherwise no