

A book weighs 2 pounds. what is this in kilograms?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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0.9 kg

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Q: A book weighs 2 pounds. what is this in kilograms?
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How many lb equals 2 kilos?

To convert kilograms to pounds: kg x 2.2 = pounds2 kg x 2.2 = 4.4 pounds

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Depends on the math book.

2 pounds - what is it in kilograms?

2 pounds = 0.907 kilograms.

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Gasoline has a lower density than water and weighs 737.22 grams per 1 litre. Therefore 2 litres of gasoline is equal to 1,474.44 grams (1.474 kilograms). The conversion factor for Kilograms to Pounds is 2.204, this means that 2 litres of gasoline weighs 3.249 Pounds

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1 ton = 2000 pounds, so 1 ton.

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There is no direct conversion between the two measurements, because pounds are a measurement of weight, whereas kilograms are a measurement of mass. This means that an object that weighs 2 pounds on earth has a mass of 0.9072 kilograms, but object that weighs 2 pounds on the moon has a mass of 5.5565 kilograms. Normally when this type of question is asked, one is referring to standard Earth gravity of 9.8 m/s2, in which case the answer is approximately 0.9072 kilograms.

What is 2 kilograms in lbs?

2 kilograms is about 4.4 pounds (4.409 pounds).

How much is two kilograms in pounds?

2 kilograms = 4.41 pounds.

How many kilograms are in 2 pounds?

Two pounds equates to about 0.9072 kilograms (kg).

How much is 2 kilograms in pounds?

2 pounds = 0.90718474 kilograms

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This book has 1224 pages. It is by Herve Allen. The book weighs 2 pounds.

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1200 kilograms = 2 645.54715 pounds