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4.903 cm3

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Q: A diver releases ana air bubble of volume 2.0cm3 from a depth of 15m below the surface of a lake where the temperature is 7.0C What is the volume of the bubble when it reaches just below the surface?
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When magma reaches the surface what happens to the gases?

The gasses bubble out of the magma, sometimes explosively.

Why does an aquatic plant bubble?

An aquatic plant bubbles because it releases oxygen bubbles. The oxygen bubbles float to the surface of the water and get released in to the air.

Why milk spills on boiling?

Milk contains fat. When it reaches boiling temperature, the water at the top evaporates rapidly leaving behing a thin layer of fat. This fat seals the surface preventing water from evaporating. This water (steam) is collected under the film and forms a big bubble which enlarges as the milk continues to heat and pushes the surface to the top till it spills.

What happen to gas bubble volume as they rise in water?

As a bubble rises to the surface of a liquid the pressure on it is going DOWN. Therefore the bubble expands, and usually bursts at the surface.

Bubble on surface liquid?


What is the movie where Jackie Chan is chased off a cliff and then pulls a plug that releases a protective bubble around him?

Armour of God. The bubble is a Zorb.

What will happen if you put 7up with with raisins?

The raisins will raise to the surface of the 7-up because of the bubbles in the drink. When it reaches the surface, the bubble will pop and the raisin will sink. Eventually, all the bubbles from the drink cause the raisin to repeat the cycle and it is considered "dancing raisins".

How do soap bubbles become round?

A sphere is the shape that has the largest volume and smallest surface area. the surface tension pulls the surface of the bubble in but the volume of air inside the bubble remains constant so the bubble wants to become a sphere.

Extensive property of bubble air?


How do you find the surface area of a bubble?

use area

Will air in vaccinations kill you?

If there is an air bubble in a liquid that is injected into your blood stream it is possible it will kill you. When this air bubble reaches your brain or heart problems can occur.

What is bubble point and dew point in petroleum?

It is the minimum temperature at which the first vapour or gas bubble is formed.