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each toss is independent of the previous one(s), so both outcomes are equiprobable.

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Q: A fair coin has been tossed 100 times resulting in 75 heads and 25 tails The next toss has?
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How many orders can heads and tails be tossed when a coin is tossed 3 times?


If a coin is tossed 3 times what is the probability of 3 heads?

There are 8 possible outcomes when a coin is tossed 3 times. Here they are:1. Heads, Heads, Tails.2. Heads, Tails, Heads.3. Tails, Heads, Heads.4. Heads, Heads, Heads.5. Tails, Tails, Heads.6. Tails, Heads, Tails.7. Heads, Tails, Tails.8. Tails, Tails, Tails.There is only one outcome that is heads, heads, heads, so the probability of three heads coming up in three coin tosses is 1 in 8 or 0.125 for that probability.

Two coins are going to be tossed 780 times Predict the number of times 2 heads will be tossed?

Half the time they will be the same, half the time they will be different. Half of the time that they're the same they will be heads, half the time they are the same they will be tails. It's your homework, YOU figure it out. The way I figure it. There are four options: 1) heads / heads 2) heads / tails 3) tails / heads 4) tails / tails By process of chance, one out of four times both coins will be heads/heads. Therefore 780/4 = 195 times.

A quarter is tossed 4 times in how many different orders can heads and tails be used?


What is the probability of a coin tossed 6 times to have 3 heads and 3 tails?


If a coin has been tossed three times and it has landed on heads what are the chances that it will be tails on the next toss?

The odds that a tossed coin will land tails side down remain one in two no matter how many times the coin has previously been tossed.

If coin is tossed seven times what is the number of sequences of heads or tails?

The number of sequences is 27 or 128.

If a coin is tossed 4 times and heads comes up all 4 times the probability of getting heads on the fifth try is?

0.5, 1/2, 50% The probability for heads versus tails does not change based on the amount of times the coin is tossed. It will always be a 50% chance.

What is the probability of getting 3 heads and 3 tails if a fair coin is tossed 6 times?

only about 75% because very often it is not equal The probability of 3 heads and 3 tails is 0.3125

Jackie tossed a coin 25 times. Tails turned up 14 times. What was her experimental probability of gettting heads?

(25-14)/25 = 11/25

What is the probability of getting exactly 3 heads if a fair coin is tossed 8 times?

The probability to get heads once is 1/2 as the coin is fair The probability to get heads twice is 1/2x1/2 The probability to get heads three times is 1/2x1/2x1/2 The probability to get tails once is 1/2 The probability to get tails 5 times is (1/2)5 So the probability to get 3 heads when the coin is tossed 8 times is (1/2)3(1/2)5=(1/2)8 = 1/256 If you read carefully you'll understand that 3 heads and 5 tails has the same probability than any other outcome = 1/256 As the coin is fair, each side has the same probability to appear So the probability to get 3 heads and 5 tails is the same as getting for instance 8 heads or 8 tails or 1 tails and 7 heads, and so on

How many outcomes are there when tossing a coin three times?

1heads heads heads 2heads heads tails 3heads tails heads 4heads tails tails 5tails tails tails 6tails tails heads 7tails heads tails 8tails heads heads