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A diagonal line

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Q: A line drawn between 2 verticles which are not next to each other?
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Line drawn between 2 verticles which are not next to each other?

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A line drawn between 2 verticals which are not next to each other?

I guess you mean "A line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other?":The line is a diagonal.

What is a line drawn between 2 verticies that are not next to each other?

a draipipe

A line drawn between 2 verticals that are not next to each other?

a horizontal

What is an line drawn between two vertices which are not next to each other?

A diagonal.

A line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next 2 each other?

A diagonal.

A shape that has a line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other?


What is the name of the line drawn between two vertices which are not next to each other?

A diagonal.

A line drawn between two vertical which are not next to each other?

Yes, it can be. Is that the question?

Line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other?

To find the length of a line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other, first draw a right triangle such that the line is the hypotenuse and the other two lines are drawn parallel to the x-axis and y-axis. Since the length of the other two lines are known, you can then calculate the hypotenuse to find the length of the line between the two vertices.

What is the shape that has a line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other?


What 2d shape has a line drawn between two vertices which are not next to each other called?

2D shape