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Q: A map of the whole world that fits onto a single sheet of paper is drawn to?
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A map of the whole world fits into a single sheet of paper is drawn to what scale?

Well, it depends on the sheet of paper. Considering that the circumference of the Earth is approximately 24,000 miles at the equator and a sheet of letter-sized paper in the USA is 8 1/2 by 11 inches, then if the Earth is represented in landscape mode and fits the page the scale is 11" to 24,000 miles or 24,000 miles X 5,280 feet/mile X 12 inches/foot X 12 inches/11 inches = 1,658,880,000. So the scale is very loosely about one and half billion to one.

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You could always take one sprite from the sheet of sprites.

How do you put one sheet of paper through your whole body?

Fold it in half and keep cutting (with scissors) in a circle till you run out of paper. It works I did it.

Why can paper cutouts of the continents including the continental margins be pieced together to form a single whole?

Paper cutouts of the continents can be pieced together to form a single whole is because the continents were at one point all connected, which was the super continent Pangaea.

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Designs are cut into a colored lacquer laminated to a sheet of glassine paper, so that the whole assemblage can be mounted on a screen before the removal of the uncut paper backing and subsequent printing

Why can paper cutouts of the continental including the continental margins be pieced together to form a single whole?

Plate tectonics.

What era invented paper?

No one can actually tell what era paper was invented but it was said to be made AD 105 in china But unlike now it used to take a whole day to make 1 sheet of paper and there still had to be about 10 people contributing

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A scale diagram is useful because it alows you to draw very big things in a small sheet of paper, or a blueprint of a house in a sheet of paper unde three feet, no the problem with them is that the scaling, specially if you have to draw a whole block in a letter size sheet of paper makes you lose precision (for example) the width of the line of a pencil could be too wide and cause errors.

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Line is important in Art becasue its one of the main and first things people draw. Every single piece of art, someone has drawn, has line in it. If the line has been drawn wrong then the whole piece may be ruined but sometimes if the line has been drawn wrong then a new piece may be created without that person knowing it. That is why every single line is important in Art.

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elite is a type of typewriter that can type twelve characters to an inch and one hundred two characters on one whole sheet of paper while the pica has big prints and can type ten characters to an inch and eighty five characters on a sheet of bond paper

How do you change the whole colour of a Word Document Sheet?

You can change the color of a whole docuemet sheet by when you print your document put a blank page of the color you want in the printer.