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Not necessarily. 1 1/2 divided by 2 = 3/4. 4 1/2 divided by 2 = 2 1/4.

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Q: A mixed number divided by nonzero whole number is greater than 1?
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Is it possible to divide 15 by a mixed number and get a quotient that is greater than 15?

No. A mixed number is greater than 1 since it has a non-zero whole number (which is at least 1) and a fraction (which is greater than 0); any number divided by a number greater than 1 will be less than the original number. So 15 divided by a mixed number will be less than, not greater than, 15.

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A number made up of a nonzero whole number and a fraction?

mixed number

What is a number made up of a nonzero whole number and fraction?

It is a mixed number.

What is the difference of a whole number and a nonzero whole number?

A whole number is any number that is not a fraction, decimal, or mixed number. A nonzero whole number is the same, except that it doesn't equal zero.

Is the quotient of a mixed number divided by a mixed number greater thann or less than 1?

There's no general rule or pattern. (11/5) divided by (33/5) = 1/3 (less than 1) (41/5) divided by (24/5) = 11/2 (greater than 1) Just as always in division . . . -- If you have (smaller number) divided by (bigger number), the quotient is less than 1. -- If you have (bigger number) divided by (smaller number), the quotient is more than 1.

What is 49 divided by 5 is as a mixed number?

49 divided by 5 is as a mixed number is 94/5

Which is greater a mixed number or a fraction?

Mixed numbers are greater than proper fractions.

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