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Curly Braces or brackets

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Daryl Kemmer

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Q: A notation for listing all elements of set using brackets and commas?
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Notation for listing all the elements of a set using brackets and commas?

Curly Braces or brackets

Are commas used between adjectives?

Only when you are listing should you use commas between adjectives. Hope this helped :)

What is an example of brackets hyphens and commas?

i think a good example would be PUICE

Which group of words is a parenthetical phrase?

A parenthetical phrase is a phrase that adds extra information to a sentence but can be removed without changing the sentence's overall meaning. For example, "in my opinion" or "on the other hand" are common parenthetical phrases.

Are restrictive elements set off by commas?


If you are listing something and you are using commas do you use a comma right before the and?

It depends on the style guide you are following. In American English, the comma before "and" in a list is known as the Oxford comma, and it's optional. In British English, the Oxford comma is typically not used. It's essential to be consistent in your use of the Oxford comma throughout your writing.

What is this scientific notation in numerals. include commas 4.1 x 102?


Where are the commas in an address?

Commas are typically used to separate elements in an address such as the street, city, state, and zip code. For example, in the address "123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345," commas are used to separate the street, city, and state elements.

What is the standard notation for 1 billion?

1 000 000 000. Years ago there used to be commas where the spaces are

Could a sentence have two commas?

yes. when you are listing things, you can put 2 or more commas. EX: There were many sports i could choose from like soccer,baseball,basketball,and track. P.S.-i think track is a sport. ........

Proper use of commas when listing?

Commas should be used after the first term, stopping at the "and" of the last term, if you don't use oxford commas. For example: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish and monkey. If you do use oxford commas, the comma goes before the and, as well: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish, and monkey. You never use the comma before the last term.

In a direct quotation when can commas be used?

Commas can be used in direct quotations to separate two complete thoughts or elements within the quotation. For example: "I am tired," she said, "and I need some rest."